Chapter 32

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"I am losing what little patience I have!" I cry, while trying to make my way through either a really thick rainforest, or a heap of seaweed. We can't decide. "This place can't go on forever, can it?"

"Shut up."

"No! I swear, if we make it up there and it's only a burnt out better watch your back."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good, Doctor, because I'm serious. We've been stuck in here for way over twenty four hours, we're all hungry and tired, and we don't even know if we're half way there yet. At this point, we'll all die of dehydration before one of these rooms take us out. Although, at this point, I'm pretty sure death by seaweed-"

"-Rain forest-"

"-Whatever! I don't even care any more. But seriously, how big can this room be? Have I been walking around in circles? Am I walking in circles?"

"Found the door," I hear Clara's muffled voice call.

"Where are you?" I shout.

"Over here."

"Ah, thanks," I say, rolling my eyes, "Just keep talking, I'll follow your voice. Doctor, are you still alive?"


"That's nice," I say, swatting at some sort of bug, "Aha, there you are, Clara." I practically fly into the dull wallpapered room. I squeeze as much water as I can out of my hair, and try my best to dump the water out of my shoes. "I smell like a salad."

"Doctor, hurry up!" Clara yells, attempting to drain water from her own hair. The Doctor emerges from the door within seconds, not even stopping for breath before opening the next door.

"Uh, okay then," I say, following behind him, "What the..." I don't really know if I need to go into much detail about this. It's pretty much a ball pit. A giant, freaking, colorful ball pit. "Are we sure that this place builds rooms off our fears, like...our current fears?"

"Of course not, we know nothing," the Doctor says.

"That's great, the next time you come knocking at my door asking for my help, you'll have better luck finding another person who can travel through time before convincing me to come on another one of your playdates. But seriously, what's going on? Is anyone here actually scared of these stupid, neon balls?" I ask.

"I used to when I was little," Clara says, "I thought that I would get sucked under, but I couldn't of been more than four."

"That means that this place doesn't just feed off our current fears, it's any fear we've ever had. That explains so much. Okay, that was fun, let's go," I say, jumping into the ball pit and wading across to the other side. I open the new door, causing several plastic balls to spill out into the little checkpoint room.

I decide to take a peek into the next room, and I open the door slightly and stick my head in. "What? Why? Why must it be like that? Now they're just being mean. No, this is cruel." I slam the door shut just as Clara and the Doctor emerge from behind me, dragging in more bright spheres.

"What's in there?" Clara asks, motioning towards the door.

"One lightbulb, and - oh - maybe ten Weeping Angels? Real fun times in that room. I can barely contain my excitement." I sigh.

"You said there was only one light source?" The Doctor asks.

"Yep. I only looked for a second, but there was only the one light. Which, obviously, means that our friends can play with our vision all they want. My idea - this isn't planned out or anything so bare with me - but I was thinking we just run right through," I say, clapping my hands together.

"What?" The Doctor asks.

"You heard me."

" realize that these things can kill you in a blink of an eye. blink," he stops and blink rapidly (to add emphasis, I guess) for a few seconds, then continues, "and they can kill you."

"Really?" I say, "I'm sorry, I had no idea! You can go ahead and make fun of my idea, I would just like to hear your great idea! Because, you know, you can't make fun of someone's idea unless you have a better one. Besides, Weeping Angels don't always kill you, most of the time they just send you back in time. I can just bring us back and we can repeat the vicious cycle over again."

"So we're just" Clara asks.

"I've done worse," I say, "Anyway, if we move fast enough, they don't stand a chance."


"-Shut up, they don't stand a chance," I say, pointing to the door, "Let's do this." I squeeze the door handle and slowly turn it. I shove the door open, staring at the stone statues that sit before us. "And...go," I say, running to the other end of the room. By the time the angels try to mess with the light, we're already shutting the door.

"Yay, we didn't die," I say.

"Yay," Clara says, rolling her eyes.

I lazily walk over to the next door. But instead of opening it, I stare at a note attached to it. "Huh."

"What?" The Doctor and Clara both ask.

"Look at this," I say, tapping the note with my fingernail. The note reads:

Greetings! You have survived the rooms. But beware, what lies behind these doors might be the most frightening of them all!
If you managed to live this long, however, your chances are higher than most! Congrats!


Four thousand reads.

Four thousand reads.

Thank you guys.

This book isn't even that good, so...


Are we excited?

Ooh, what's behind the door?



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