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I stayed at school with Calypso telling them the story.
"So.. Camila died for Leo so he could live happy woth Calypso?" Percy said.
"Yes." Calypso said.
"I knew it. You bitch! Why can't you stay dead for once!" Hazel shouted at her.
"Stop!" Piper interupted. "It's not her fault. She loves him too.." she said.
"Still. I'm not fake, I hate her. " Hazel said.
I was with Hazel on that one. Just sranding next to Calypso made me sick. She had cheated death. Nobody are supposed to cheat dead. She should have died, not Camila.
"I loathe you too" I said to Calypso.
"Guys, stop attacking her. It's not her fault." Percy said.
"Percy, stop sugar coating it. I saw Leo's face. He didn't want to. Camila is one of my best friends and once was my worst enemy. Loosing is... I can't" I cried.
"I'm sorry guys." Calypso said.
"So where is Leo?" Frank asked.
I'm not sure. He hadn't contacted me since.
"Home," Calypso said.
Piper tried calling him. It went straight to voicemail. I'm not sure why I got a bad feeling about Leo not picking up.
I never thought of it like that. Leo is a big boy. No he is not. He is too sad to ever think straight.
"Call the police and an ambulance to his home!" I said.
Frank dialed 911, while we ran on the way home to him.
I called Esmé.
"Hello. I think Leo is about to do something very bad. He isn't picking up the phone. I'm afraid he is about to act stupid" I told her.
Esmé was screaming and shouting.

We were a few feet from reaching his home. Frank turned into a grizlybesr and broke the door open. There were splinters everywhere. Leo's shoes was here. Thank god he is here.
"LEO! LEO!" we screamed.
Carlos came home too. Percy ran upstairs into his room. He was quickar then the others as usual. I foloowed behind tot to trip on the steps.
I couldn't believe what I saw. My whole body started to shake. Mt head started to feel dizy. There was white foam comming out of Leo's mouth. His eyes were sealed shut holding a black hoodie in his arms.
He came in and was as horrified as me.
"Look!" Hazel said. Pointing at a piece of paper on his desk.
We all knrew it was going to be bad.
"Snap a picture of it on your phone. Make sure the police sees the physical copy. We'll read what he wrote later." I said.
Percy was having a minor heart attack. Carlos unbuttoned Leo's shirt and checked for a pulse. Frank was donstairs looking for Esmé and the ambulance.
"Guys, he is not breathing" Piper said.
Hearing it from her was not a good sign. I tried to calm myself down. In a situation like this must we not panic. It was harder than I thought. I couldn't imagine Esmé's face when she saw her son like this.

The ambulance came and the team conected him to a machine. They covered his chest with gel and used to rectangulars to shock Leo. They put many tubes in his throat. They explained that they were trying to suck the poison out of his stomach. Poor Carlos. He was holding both his mother in one arm and his little brother's life in the other. Baby Maya had no idéa that she were about to loose his big brother. Esmé was in the state of nearly passing out.
The whole ambulance was filled with emotion. Some had hope, sadness, tears, dissappointment, guilt. The lines on the heartrate monitor was chaotic. The lines went up then down in a not solid pattern. The numbers on the side sank faster and faster down. We were left staring at a straight line followed by a loong beeeeeeeeeep.

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