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I got more surprises when I got on the bus. Laurel sat by the window on the bus at the back.
"What are you doing here?" She asked me.
"Oh I just went to the mall" I lied
"The mall on Eickerstreet? Whitout buying anything?" She said.
"Yes. I forgot my wallet, and my phone." I told her.
Hopefully she bought it.
"I was just comming at your place. You didn't answer the DM's on Insta." She said.
"Okay."  I said.

We talked about school while we walked to my apartment. She stared at the burned sofa table.
"Um.. yeah. Long story" I said.
"Spare me." She said.
We laughed it off and enjoyed the night watching a movie with her, I even convinced her staying at my place.

I woke up in the middle of the night, because Laurel pushed me off my bed.
"Cami, Are you fine with hanging around me?" She said
"Laaaureeel! Are you kidding! It's 2 in the morning. Shut up and go to bed!" I grunted.
"Answer me." She said.
"Yes" I said
"I know my friends can be too much sometimes, but they are good!" She said.
I threw a pillow at her! And she grunted AUUUUHHH.
"Okay!" I said.

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