Chapter Thirty

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You cannot fire with fire. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

2 weeks of patiently waiting and London was staring at two envelopes. Destinny, eagerly, sat beside her with a smile on her face. She waited impatiently as her friend opened the envelope. London took a deep breath before scanning over the words with her eyes. She smiled to herself, as Destinny smiled as well.

"How are you going to tell him?" She inquired, "Why don't you set it up real nice and be sexy with it?"

"Everything doesn't have to be sexual. I think Quanndel would appreciate it if I just let him see for himself." London replied, staring at the letter again.

It was the best news she had received all year. She stood to her feet while grabbing her towel and wash cloth. Destinny dug through her purse before pulling out a velvet box. She handed it over to London, who smiled to herself. "What's this?"

"Just a little something. I know you've been through a lot and I just want to let you know that I love you. You've been here to help me through a lot. Although you had your suspicions, you allowed me a second chance. I liked the old London but I love the more refined you. You're so honest and so beautiful, and you're my best friend. It seems childish but this is just if you decide to get back with him, and start your family elsewhere. Just remember to wear this and I'll always be with you."

London opened the box to see half of a heart hanging from a necklace. Destinny moved her hair aside to reveal the gold necklace, displaying the other part to the heart. London engulfed her best friend in a hug with a wide smile stretched across her face.

Destinny laughed lightly, "OK, I'm done being sweet. I have to work and you have a date. I'll see you when I get home. Be careful."

London disappeared into the bathroom as her friend left out. She smiled to herself as she bathed in the feminine products, so happy and so relaxed. She had not felt so beautiful and special in a long time. It was amazing to her how so much had changed.

She stepped from the bathroom, wrapping her towel around herself then reaching for the doorknob. Desman waved to her as well as his new girlfriend who was visiting still. London smiled to them then walked to her bedroom to prepare herself.

"Oh, you got me all gone. Don't ever let me go," London sang, as she dried herself.

Her phone chirped, and she grabbed it, staring at the new text. It read, "I'm on my way in twenty minutes. Handling business."

Another one came through from Lemarques, and she didn't bother to read it, deleting the message then continuing to get ready. She knew Quanndel was most likely not coming so soon. He could never be on time, no matter the occasion.

After straightening her hair, She pinned it up to find herself an outfit. Beyonce's voice flowed through her MP3 player as she danced along, laying dresses onto the bed. She had packed all of her smaller clothes, knowing she'd have a long time before she was back to that exact size.

London squeezed into an off white, problem dress the grabbed a pair of her red heels. She groaned once she felt the pain already beginning to run its course. Pretty hurt but she was not about to deal with the pain. She slipped her heels off then grabbed a pair of her comfortable designer sandals.

It was almost two hours later when he came rushing into the house, apologizing profusely for being late. London dismissed it, greeting him with a kiss then leaving out with him. He helped her to the car then got in himself. Next, they were riding through traffic as R&B comforted them.

"How was your day?" He massaged her thigh.

"Fine, I got something for you. Something you asked for and I want to give it to you now because you've waited long enough." He moved his hand closer to her womanhood with a smirk on his face.

"I'm glad you realized, I couldn't hold out waiting on that thing no more. I bet-"

London held up the results, smiling happily. Quanndel glanced at the results then the road, then the results. "OH SHIT! That's even better, baby. I knew you wasn't trying to trap a nigga."

"Of course not, baby." London lowered the papers, still smiling. His smile was still stretched across his face which made her happier.

They shared a good laugh as they walked along the sidewalk. Quanndel had taken her to dinner at an upscale restaurant she preferred. The whole night was great. They got to enjoy music as they ate, and afterwards he treated her to a movie which was cool enough of her. The date may have been basic but she loved it.

"So, before we decide to go any further, I need to know you're serious this time. I'm laying my heart out here. Quanndel, I love you so much and losing you made me realize a lot of things. I'm no better than you in any way and I believe with faith, we can fix our relationship. I want to make this work for our unborn son or daughter. I grew up in a broken home and it's every parents dreams to have their children be better than them. I want that for my baby. I want to be the prefect example for him or her. Can you promise me that you'll do right by me?"

"You know how I am at expressing my feelings, but I promise to always be there for you and my child. London, I know I made mistakes over and over, and played with your feelings. This time will be different and I put that on my family. This time it's about us and not what everyone else desires. You're my lady and my baby's mom. You're my queen, and I can't have you out here looking crazy. Nothing ain't perfect, but I promise you all those tears you cried will be worth it this time."

London pressed her lips to his, ignoring the people walking behind them. She wrapped her arms around his neck, crying tears of joy. He pulled her closer, whispering, "I'm in love with you."

The couple bobbed their head to the rapper's song. Their fingers were intertwined as Quanndel sped through the traffic, rapping along and glancing at his girlfriend. She was also rapping along under her breath as she looked out at the city, becoming small as they drove away.

He focused back on the road, noticing they were all alone. His mind began to drift off to freaky thoughts but he refrained once he seen headlights coming up behind them. Quanndel gripped her hand tighter, glancing at his rear view mirror. He does up once he realised the car speeding towards them with no intentions of stopping.

London warned, "Baby, slow down. Its a curve coming up."

He slowed down, mistaking this as paranoia. He settled back into his stress free demeanor until headlights shone through the car, and he lost control of the car, feeling the impact from behind. The car spun around with London's scream filling the insides until they jerked before coming to a stop, tossing their bodies to the front but the seatbelts quickly pulling them back.

Quanndel groaned, slowly reaching for his gun out of the dashboard. He couldn't move. The pain in his back was unbearable. London was moaning to the side of him, fiddling with her seatbelt. She was unsuccessful in her attempt. Her door opened and she was unbuckled then pulled out by her hair.

Quanndel reached for her but he was being snatched up even quicker, out of his car and slung onto the asphalt. He stayed there, unable to move, until he was kicked in the jaw by the boot of a female.

"Tell her you love her," Penny ordered, pressing the barrel of her gun to his temple. He looked over at London who was crying, trying to peel Camino's hand from the strap of her dress. He hit her in the nose with his elbow, drawing minimal blood. She shut up, staring at Quanndel for help.

The worst feeling was not being able to help her. "London, I am in love with you and if I never see you again, just know that you my-"

Camino lodged a bullet into her back before Quanndel could finish. He closed his eyes, then turned his head away from the sight. Penny stared a moment at a furious Camino, who shot London twice more before running back to the car.

She took the safety off of her gun. He turned his head immediately to meet her eyes, and sinister smile. "God forgive me,"

She shot him once in the back, and once more in his shoulder before running away.

His eyes fell upon London's gold necklace gleaming. He forced himself to move, struggling to reach her. Blood stained her hand from his. He grabbed her hand, then closed his eyes.

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