Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

London clutched onto Memphis's arm, blood leaking from her mouth. He swiftly moved away and studied her face. The men he were conversing with were staring with the same concerned look on their faces. She didn't move or say anything to him as he stared at her in pure disgust and utter shock. Her heart fell once she realized that he was going to show any type of love to her. The women walking by gasped in surprise and slowed their pace just to look at her. This tickled some of them because she was supposed to be the HBIC, yet she was being made a fool of.

"Who the fuck is Montego and why you send me to 'em?" Her words spewed out cold and hard. More blood from her mouth fell to the floor as the words were spoken. Memphis even took a step back to not get his shirt wet from her spit and blood. The other men looked at him to see what his response would be.

Memphis was speechless.

"Say something! Why you not talking all that bullshit about work reasons now? Look at me! This your fault! You owed that dude something and you used me. Don't deny it because I already spoke to Del and he told me exactly what the deal was. You can either 'fess up or lose your life on the spot. And don't give me no faggot ass excuses like you had to do it for your life because I swear on everything I love that I am not going to listen to anything else you say. I'm thinking with an angry mindset right now, and that ain't good for you."

Memphis backed up a little more. "You talked to Del?"

London didn't really talk to him but she knew that would get him to say anything. He would do anything to avoid getting himself hurt. That was obvious considering the fact he threw her in his crossfire. That whole thing that went down with Montego was intended for Memphis, but Memphis promised to do Montego one better. Quanndel must have had some beef with Montego prior to London. Memphis saw that as a perfect shor to rile Del up. If he knew anyone hurt his baby, he was coming after them with no questions asked.

Memphis lunged at her but London moved aside, holding her arms in front of her face. A sharp pain shot through her abdomen but it was gone as quick as it came. The men rushed to hold Memphis down. He struggled to fight all of them, angry. London watched with a blank expression. She didn't know wheter to feel happy or scared that she pissed him off.

"Bitch, you better hope I never cross you on these streets." His voice rumbled throughout the club. London watched them carry him before she manuevered to the dressing rooms. She rushed to her locker, pulling everything from it and stuffing it into her bag. The girls stopped to watch a bloody-face Lo scramble to get all of her belongings, some in fear that she was going to go off on one of them. They didn't give her any trouble.

Word was most definitely going to get back to Quanndel but she didn't want that to happen. She wanted him to just steer clear of any more trouble. She couldn't risk him losing his life to a typical dude like Montego.

She walked out to her car, covering her face slightly. It was warm with a slight breeze. The few of the clubgoers standing outside didn't pay her any mind as she walked past in her dancing oufit. They turned their heads but no one tried to talk. She was to her car and good, and well in when she saw the black Honda Accord with rims whizzing by. She struggled to remember where it was from. It clicked that somebody she fucked with set her up.

So many names raced through her head as she hit a eighty in a sixty-five speed limit. She drove reckless as her thoughts only got more confusing. She was having trouble putting piece-and-piece together with each person.





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