Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

London and Destinny walked into the house with their shopping bags. London convinced Destinny to stay out of work with her and go out on the city with Quanndel and his friend. They were going to go this nightclub and just enjoy themselves. London didn't even feel like anything else mattered.

The two got dressed and began putting on their makeup. They were ready to go out and have fun with these two men. London felt that it was a good idea for Destinny to go out with one of Quanndel's close friends. They could get to know one another and it would probably get her off that boy back in her hometown. He didn't seem like he was good for Destinny and just played with her emotions and that's something that London hated for a man to do to a woman, especially after how much they went through with one another. She was sticking by him even though he was doing her very wrong.

"Hey, ladies" Quanndel walked into London's bedroom with a bag in his hand. A tall, dark-skinned man came in behind him and stood next to him. He had Quanndel a little in height, he looked good also and if he wasn't here for Destinny and Quanndel wasn't here for her, then London would have had to step up to him and spit some game. He looked like he was ready to buy drinks, too.

Destinny was still facing the mirror as London put on her eye shadow so she couldn't see her date, so London hurriedly finished it for her. "This is Destinny" London said, smiling

"This Jeremy," Quanndel said, pointing to the friend.

The girls finished getting ready as the boys kicked back in the kitchen, getting some liquor into their system before they headed out to the club. "Boy, she's bad but your girl is something else" Jeremy whispered to Quanndel.

Jeremy wasn't one of his closest friends, just a friend from around the way and just someone he would call on whenever he needed to just relax and get a few laughs in, Jeremy was a tall, goofy dude and was always doing or saying something unnecessary. He always got Quanndel to laugh and have a good time. London stated that she needed a funny, outgoing person for his friend and he was who came to Quan's mind.

"Y'all ready?" London walked in, interrupting their conversation. The two of them nodded at one another, signaling that they would talk at the club, while standing up. Destinny emerged from the room and walked into the room where everyone else was located.

"Backseat action," Quanndel said to Jeremy and Destinny. They made their way to the back and sat there as London and Quan stood outside of the car to talk for a moment. He wrapped his arms around London's waist, looking into he eyes. She looked gorgeous tonight. "You look good," he said.

"Thank you," she said, grinning. London bit her bottom lip to show that she was turned on by how low and husky his voice was right now. It also made here feel so good when he gave her little, sweet compliments.

"I bought you this, baby." He held up the bag that she forgot about. She took it from his hands and peeped inside. There was a small box and a lingerie set on the side. "Were you expecting me to put this on for you tonight?"

"I mean, I wouldn't mind." he replied, licking his lips. London pushed him back playfully and then kissed him, softly. "Well, I don't mind putting it on for you, sexy."

The two of them got inside and made their way to the club. Quanndel couldn't keep his hands to himself and London didn't mind that he was discreetly touching her. Destinny and Jeremy were in the backseat, not even carrying on conversation. It was a turn on to London to have him rubbing her thigh while they were back there.

They finally arrived at the club and got inside. Both girls couldn't wait to dance, Jeremy was mentally begging for drama and so was Quanndel. Both were strapped and ready to cause trouble at any given minute.

Destinny sat her things down in the section and went straight to the bar with Jeremy following closely behind. London and Quanndel stayed in their own world, hugged up with one another.

"You want me to buy 'em?" Jeremy asked his date, referring to the drinks. She shook her head no, and looked around for one of the bartenders to attend to her. Jeremy found it cute that she wanted to get it all on her own but he was going to pay either way it went. He wasn't that interested in her but she was fine, just not his type. Something about her seemed off and he didn't want an off girl, he preferred someone like London. In his eyes, she was the only one that stood out in the club. It may be the homie's girl but he had some girls that Quan stole from him so it was only right that he tested this one.

"Uh, I--"

"Patron and Bacardi ," Jeremy interrupted Destinny. He knew that those would be too much for both of these girls to handle. They would end up getting loose and he liked having fun. That's what it was about tonight.

"Are you sure? That's strong, Jeremy." Destinny said. She knew that she was bad at holding liquor and didn't want to end up doing something she'd regret tomorrow morning. She felt that Jeremy was just ordering them strong so they could all have fun so she just agreed.

Jeremy and Destinny walked back up to the section with the drinks. "Oh, who's planning on getting some tonight?" London held up the patron, smiling and winking at Destinny. All of them poured a shot and took it at the same time, except Destinny. She didn't want to do this tonight and what London had just said made her think about what was going to happen if the effects of the alcohol hit. She sat her cup down, and watched them all get drunk.

Quanndel sat his cup down and pulled London up. "We going to dance, OK?" They walked out of the section and Jeremy leaned back on the sofa. Destinny scooted away, uncomfortably but he followed until she was at the very edge and their mouths were only inches apart. His mouth came over hers and she stood up, walking out. It almost happened again! Tears streamed down her face as she rushed out of the building.

The beat of a slow song poured out the speakers and London began slowly moving her hips, looking over at Quanndel. Just as he was about to lead her over to dance, Jeremy came over and said that Destinny left. London was too tipsy to go out, so Quan had to go ahead and find her.

Jeremy stepped closer to London, breathing down her neck. "Uh," she said, looking up at him. He grabbed hold of her hips and moved side to side with her but she wasn't in the mood to dance anymore. All she wanted to do was go home now and see what was up with Destinny. Jeremy pulled her closer but London put her fists on his chest and tried to fight his grip. To everyone else, they looked like they were slow dancing but it was just that his grip was too tight and she could barely move.

"Jeremy!" London said into his ear. He began grinding on her and she somewhat moaned while trying to get away. "Ouch, let me go" she yelled.

He grasped her butt and then she slapped him, stumbling. "What's wrong--"

He slapped her back, cutting off her sentence and next thing you know someone was throwing punches at him. That fight turned into most of all the other people getting crazy. They were pushing and shoving London as she tried to fight her way through the crowd. Once she made it outside, she began to look for Quanndel.

Destinny walked as fast as she could to the parking lot in the heels that London provided for her. Her feet were hurting, head hurting, and tears soaking her face. She finally reached the car and realized that the doors were locked. She leaned against the car and covered her face in her hands.

"Aye, are you good?" Destinny recognized Quanndel's voice just like that.

"No, I'm not. Your homeboy tried to get me drunk so I would have sex with him," she replied, wiping her eye.

He stood beside her and nodded. "That's sick and I apologize, Destinny. I can take you home if you want," he suggested and she nodded.

"Thank you, Quanndel." She leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek and he flinched at first but allowed her to after noticing that it was just a friendly gesture. Destinny placed her hand on the car of the window for support and looked into his eyes. They were beautiful, no doubt, but this was her friend's man and after seeing how London was treated by the boy before, she had to catch herself.

Quanndel stood there, awkwardly staring at Destinny. She looked down at the ground and backed up a little. The noise from the club got louder and people were rushing out the front and some were standing around, so Quanndel took off with Destinny following behind.

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