Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Montego scratched his facial hair. He buried his face into the palm of his hands.  His head began to throb with pain again as he sat there. He fumbled with the tops of more pain pills once again. His entire coffee table was covered in different pain pills. Some bottles were full, most of them were getting empty.

He never felt so guilty. He had never felt so disorganized. 

"Man, what the hell- Yo, is you good?" Camino walked in, followed by an intoxicated Penny.

"You over here rolling," Penny stated, pointing to the pills. She stumbled to the love seat as Camino snatched up a bottle of pills. He read the prescription then threw it halfway across the room. Montego sat in pure silence while beginning to feel tired.

Camino looked at his home boy. "Are you for real, man? Ever since we came back here, you've been acting weird. Who gave you all these? What's up with you?"

"Life. I just got lost, man."

"Did you forget we were on a mission? We made a promise everyday in that jail cell to get back at the people who put us there."

Camino had gotten screwed over before, too. That's how he met Montego, who basically looked out for him in prison. They were two people not to be messed with. Montego helped Camino serve his revenge to his stepfather, and now Camino was helping an exhausted Montego.

"I'm tired of this. Everyday I bust my ass to kill one dude. One. We took an innocent girl's life out of anger. I promised myself to never take anyone else's life like that. When Bryan pulled that trigger, I knew that this mission was over with."

Camino clenched his jaw. "I'm killing Bryan."

"What's that going to do? Put more heat on our asses. We didn't plan this smart enough. We missed the part where the Sotos had so many connections that all they have to do is make one phone call. It's over with. I'm getting put away for good and I never thought that one, innocent girl could make me realise this."

Penny scoffed. "Montego right. I can't even move weight no more like I used to. The Sotos taking over all the blocks with ease. They got goons taking money and killing anybody in they path for them. Money determine your power and they got a lot of power right now."

Camino stomped, "Y'all sound like some bitches! I don't care who with me. I'll find them right now and kill all three of them. Y'all can come with me and get this time, or y'all can sit in the house and imagine what type of money is going to be sitting in my hands once I'm done. "

"I didn't come for the money." Montego raised his voice, "I came to shoot Quanndel right in the head. Now, I want to brutally murder Reggie and King in front of him and make him suffer. I want to get the closest thing to him and rip it to pieces in front of his eyes."

London knocked on the door of the huge home, waiting impatiently for someone to answer. She sighed in relief when the locks twisted and a Mexican girl, wearing a bathrobe, appeared. She rolled her eyes. Was it hard for them to find a real woman with at least one bit of self respect?

"What's up? Who you looking for?" she inquired, squinting her eyes.

London replied, sweetly, "Quanndel."

The girl shook her head. "He said he not taking no visitors today. I can get you Reggie probably, but he's been locked up in his room boo-hooing over some bitch. Anyways, who are you?"

London furrowed her eyebrows. The girl had quite a mouth which surprised her. They never kept anyone around who told their business. Especially not a woman. They never kept any woman around long for that matter. Too bad she never noticed that.

"It's obvious you not going to tell me. Hold on, maybe I can get him to come to the door." She stepped aside to invite London in, and London walked in slowly, discreetly rubbing her belly.

She wore a bigger dress to hide her stomach just a little, but anyone could see the weight gain. Her body was changing dramatically. Pregnancy had her feeling like a ton of bricks, then beautiful and ugly at the same time. No one really questioned her if she was pregnant nowadays. Everyone gave her apologetic stares when she walked into baby stores alone, or attended her prenatal appointments with Destinny.

"What's going on, beautiful?" She looked up to a shirtless Quanndel. He smiled at her.

"Hey." She fought to keep her smile down. She was so nervous.

He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. London sighed In content. It felt so right to be in his arms again, inhaling his cologne. She rubbed his back unintentionally while smiling to herself. She didn't want to break away from him but the girl cleared her throat. They tore apart, both feeling uneasy.

"You look good as hell." He grabbed her hand and caressed her lower back at the same time. She was so happy with him, but she couldn't push away the insecurities. She stared into his eyes before thanking him. It was hard for her to push it out but she needed to speak with him before she went any further.

Quanndel massaged her hand, leading her to his temporary bedroom. They sat on the edge of the bed, smiling at each other. Quanndel stroked her cheek then moved to the straps of her dress. She continued nervously smiling, and looking down at her growing belly. He pressed his hands to it, laying her back.

Quanndel hovered over her, massaging her bare breast while untying his sweat pants. She wanted to tell him to stop but it felt so good. London thought of her baby, and gently moved his mouth away from her neck. He leaned in for a kiss but she moved again. "Q, I'm pregnant."

"Quit hoeing me. I haven't even got any from you in months."

"I know," she replied, "I'm four months. I wanted to tell you sooner but I was afraid of how you would take it. I'm sorry."

Quanndel sighed heavily. "Look, ma, if it's mine then I can help you. London, I've been fucked around on so much. I don't want a DNA test because I don't believe you but because I just want to be safe. I hope that makes sense."

London nodded, kissing his chin. "I understand."

Quanndel smiled. "If I am, it'll be my first child. I'm going to spoil her, and show her to all my boys. I hope she look just like you so I can brag even more."

London giggled nervously. She felt satisfied right now. She forgave him and decided to put the past aside, but she knew that the past never hid itself for too long.

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