Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

"Did you let him get any?" Destinny questioned London.

"No, I told him to stop," she said, smiling. That wasn't really how it went but she didn't want to seem like a ho. If she said Quanndel said they wanted them to stop then it would seem like she was throwing herself at him, and that's something she wasn't trying to do. Quanndel wanted to stop but she loved having him pleasuring her, but still agreed to not do it because she wanted it to be special.

"Next time you should go ahead and give it up to him. Don't be scared to do nothing that you haven't because it'll help the relationship or friendship, whatever you two have going on. I can even help you set up a little romantic night for him" Destinny suggested. "We could decorate your room for him and everything. Fix dinner like on the romantic movies."

London wanted to roll her eyes at how this girl sounded right now. She seemed like she was a little too anxious to help London get involved with Quanndel, and if her eyes weren't closed so Destinny could put on her eye shadow then she'd give her a eye roll.

"No, I don't want to go all out of my way, but I do want it to be very special for him and I. Something simple though because he just doesn't seem like one of those over-the-top people, you know?" London knew Quanndel a little and he was just so laid-back. Of course every man wanted to be catered to but not every man wanted to see their woman doing a whole lot. She could just set up something simple and maybe tease him.

"It's up to you, but I'm just saying. You don't have to go all out but make it nice. Show him what you can do if you two ever want to jump into a relationship. If that ever happens" Destinny quickly mumbled the last part, but London still caught it.

"We're going to soon. I just have some things I need to sort out with myself first, could you hurry up? He's coming tonight and I want to look real nice." she said, somewhat bouncing in the seat. "Calm down. You're going to look good for him."

She emerged from the back and into the crowd she disappeared. She searched the same way she searched the crowd for Lemarques, waiting to see which one of these men would be the man she yearned to see all night. Her hand rested just above her navel as her eyes scanned the floor. It was so packed out but she would find him. He promised to be here, and this would be the last promise he would be able to break if he didn't show his face.

"Excuse me," she said, loudly, working her way through the thick crowd. He was in here somewhere and she was sure of it.

London walked up to the section where VIP was located and seen nothing but a bunch of men and women enjoying themselves. The money that was being thrown didn't even catch her eye. All she wanted to see was Quanndel but where was he? Probably the same place he was last time he was supposed to meet up with her.

"Are you looking for me?" Some man asked. He was fine as hell and London was taken aback by his looks a little. It was the first genuinely fine brother that she had seen in the club the whole time that she'd been working there. He was a mixed breed and had the widest and brightest smile that she had ever seen. His v-neck exposed a tattoo which slightly attractive her, seeing as she absoloutely loved men with ink.

London was so caught up in sizing him up that she had forgot about him starting a conversation with her. She watched as his eyes roamed over body then met hers, and he grinned. His smile was perfect and it was exactly what she wanted. No grins, smirks, or frowns. She was planning on seeing what he had going for himself, and how much he was willing to spend on just her for the night.

"No, I'm actually looking for my friend, but I don't guess he's here" she replied, smiling.

"Well, take a break and talk to me. I'm Troy, what's your name?" He moved closer to her so she could hear him more clearly and she was able to get a whiff of his cologne. It smelled very good to her and she wanted to nestle her head in the side of his neck just to take it all in.

"I'm London!" she shouted back. Just then she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and she looked to see Quanndel, mugging the hell out of Troy. The two men made eye contact and Quanndel nodded at him. Troy didn't return it.

"Ay, London! I think you're good looking and I was wanting to know if I could have your number since it's clear you're here with nobody. That cool with you?" he asked, not even paying any mind to Quanndel who was slowly getting pissed off but trying to remain as calm as possible. London could feel his hand grazing her backside and knew what he was doing, but didn't say anything.

In fear that Quanndel might hurt this man, she rejected. "Sorry, but no. I'm working right now," she replied. Quanndel relaxed and continued mugging Troy.

"Yeah, she's working so respect that and stop asking for numbers." Quanndel pushed London aside and swung at Troy. Everyone around them spread out as they went at it, throwing lick after lick. London watched as the both of them fought but didn't do anything because Troy sort of deserved it. He was disrespectful to Quanndel, but she was also tired of seeing Quan fight every time they were out. The night was always ruined by someone. It was always ruined by someone, but why?

It wasn't long before the bouncers noticed the commotion and carried both of them out. London ran through the crowd that was now scattered all over until she was at the entrance to the back. She jogged to the back, as fast as her heels would allow her to go, and once she reached it she noticed that the other girls were standing around the door, pounding on it. "Open the door! I have to go home!" They were yelling.

She pushed through them and began kicking at the door and twisting the doorknob. It wasn't long before the other girls went to get the men to come help them and she was standing there alone. It was silent, no music was blaring and no girls were screaming and shouting. All she heard was mumbling between two people and the voices sounded so familiar.

Not too long after hearing the voices the door swung open and there was Jeremy standing before her. Destinny was behind him with the straps of her bra twisted. London shook her head and turned to run away, but he grabbed her by the hair and pinned her up against the wall. He bought both of her arms just above her lower back and kept them there with her face mushed against the wall.

Destinny stood there with her silky robe covering only so much of her body. Tears were streaming down London's face as he looked between the two of them. "Don't say nothing to anybody or I'll make sure ole' boy is put under the jail." She screamed out in agony after his hold on her wrist tightened. She felt him bending her hand back. He flung London to the wall across from them and she slid down to her butt.

She looked up at him with strands of her hair sticking to the warm liquid spilling from her eyes. "You're disgusting," she said in between her breathing spasms.

"Likewise." Jeremy walked off and left the two of them to sort out the problem. Where in the hell did London go wrong with picking her friend? She thought that she could trust Destinny enough to tell her every small detail about her life, but she was wrong the whole time. Destinny was just like the rest of the females that she had befriended except she was a smut.

"Lo-" Destinny said, reaching to help London up.

"No, shut up, Destinny! Everybody in this damn club knows that Jeremy and Quanndel are beefing and you were the first to know. But you were trifling enough to go mess with him knowing that and the worst part is that you didn't even try to help me when he had my ass pinned up against that wall, now did you? You don't have nothing else to say to me so get out of my face." London screamed at her.

By now all the girls had returned and were shocked by what they were seeing. The two best friends, the two that done everything together in the club were arguing with one another.

"Guess friendships don't last forever," London scoffed while looking down at her now sore wrist.

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