Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Lemarques scanned the shelves. He looked for the condom brand ge usually used. Honestly, he didn't want to use condoms because it took away from the feeling. The last time he had used a condom was when he was a teenager. Now, he just didn't care at all. London was acting moody tonight so he was going to let her have her way. He was sure her whole mood would do a three-sixty whenever he was done.

"Thanks," he said to the cashier, grabbing the bag and exiting the store.

He unlocked London's car doors before sliding in, quickly. Ashanti had friends that liked to lurk. They were always running back to her with something negative. It was a surprise that neither of them had mentioned anything about London. She was well-known in a sort of good way and her and Lemarques had been good friends when she first moved here. Nobody ever suspected anything going on between two. His friend, Jermaine, had questioned him but he never confessed. It was too much.

He sped down the highway, cautious of any cops. His erection was growing harder in his pants the closer he got to the hotel. London was real tempting. That is exactly how he got himself in the situation now. She was always sending mixed messages to him and she even friendzoned him a couple of times, and vice versa. At one point he could admit she was humble and sweet, and wife material. Then, she started dancing and her whole personality changed so quick.

Lemarques parked the car, grabbed the plastic bag, and then got out of the car. He heard shouting coming from the lobby once he got in. His eyes traveled the noise to see London and Quanndel. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight of them two going back and forth with one another. Quanndel was turning red from how angry he looked, and London was damn near in tears. Her voice was cracking from screaming so loud.

"I hate you!" She belted out the harsh words, ending them with a slap to his face. The slap silenced him and the male employee who was trying to calm them down. Lemarques ducked off to the side to avoid being seen but he spotted the flawless, smiling female standing behind Quanndel. He knew exactly what was going on here and was not one bit of surprised. Lemarques gave credit where it was due, and Quanndel was good at choosing when it came to women. Homegirl behind him could have gotten the business.

"Come on," Quanndel said to the female beside him. He tugged at her hand and she followed with no problem. London watched the two leave. She stepped into the open elevator and stood there in silence. Before the two doors could even meet, her tears came falling down. Lemarques wanted to damage Quanndel but he shook his anger off. He moved away from the seats and walked over to the front desk. Sooner or later Quanndel would learn his lesson.

After getting the room number, he hopped in the elevator and travelled up. The smell of London's perfume still lingered in the small space. He stepped off of the elvator and walked down the hotel's hall. It was empty and lit up from the lights hanging on the walls, which were covered in floral wallpaper. It was nicer than he expected. He continued to walk until he reached the room, rapping twice on the door.

It didn't take long for her to open up in just a shirt and her underwear. He followed in behind her and sat on the bed. Lemarques didn't question why she looked so somber or why she was sulking in pure silence. He simply sat beside her on the bed and cleared his throat, hoping for a reply. Instead she burst out crying softly and leaning against him.

"I caught him cheating on me and he tried to lie straight to my face. Lemarques, I was so afraid that this would happen. I did everything that I could to prevent it. He was the most understanding person that I'd ever loved. What hurts even more is that I'll probably never be able to trust another man like I did him. Something told me he was different and I was actually considering chilling out for him. I was ready to settle down and start building a family or something. And the sad thing is I don't want to leave him because I know I did wrong, too."

He could almost feel her pain. She only wanted to be loved, but he could only supply her with the sex right now.

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