Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Dad! Daddy!" The two young girls ran to their concerned father with tears running down their face. He consoled his two daughters as they cried in his arms, pointing towards the woods near their home.

The two girls had made a trail when they were just eight years of age. They often went there to play tag and Hide-And-Seek with one another. Today was different. The youngest sister came across a heel lying near her hiding place. She also spotted a bracelet with different colors.

Her oldest sister was watching from afar as her sister stared at her newfound item. She began to go scare her but tripped over a tree stump. That's when she fell onto a few rocks near a pile of bushes. Her eyes connected with another pair of brown eyes and a foul smell insulted her nostrils. She screamed out in horror and the two took off running to their home.

"Sweetheart, go call the police. We have a problem." he ordered to his wife.

"OK." She removed her garden gloves as she rapidly pressed the keys as her husband walked to their daughters' room.

Rey squatted near the body, now lying in a body bag which was unzipped. He examined the woman's face while shaking his head. She was gorgeous, even when she was dead. Rey hated that he had to find her like this as he scribbled the bruises onto his notepad, taking photos as he did so.

With the permission of the coroner,  he touched her. He slid his glove on before tilting her head up. There was large fingerprints printed into her light-complected skin. He moved aside once he saw his new partner, Valerie, approaching. They were dealing with an arson case that happened to a gang member's home and she was acting so careless. He kept quiet because she had seniority over him.

"What happened here?"

"Two bullets to the stomach area. It looks that she has been here for over four to five days. She's fresh."

Valerie sighed heavily. "Dammit, I have to make calls. Keep searching the area for more evidence."

Rey sighed. "I've went around the area five times. You are late."

"And? Is a sixth time going to hurt?" Everyone ignored them as she snapped. They were used to Rey being cursed out by his female partner. It was obvious she had the control in the partnership.

"Fine, I'll search more. Could you have her body down to-"

"I'll handle it, just go ahead." She beckoned for the EMTs to get the body after seeing them dressed, prepared to transport the dead woman. They proceeded to do their job as she looked around the area. Rey was on the far side cleaning the lens of his glasses. She walked away from everyone, making sure to be out of their sight.

"Hello?" Quanndel answered, groaning and grunting.

"Little boy, where are you?" She spat, lowly.

"Gym," he replied, slowing on the treadmill. He jumped off while walking towards the bathroom area.

"You have a serious problem on your hands. A young girl, around twenty-five or twenty-eight, has just been pronounced dead. You're risking my job here. I can't keep sweeping your careless shit under the rug.

Quanndel sighed. "That's not my doings. I've been laying low right outside of the city. It wasn't either of us because Reggie is out of town on business and you know my dad wouldn't kill any women. "

Valerie said, "It was Montego."

"Find a way to pin it on him, Val, I need him pinned away for a long time."

"We'll discuss this tonight. Goodbye" She slid her phone into her hip case before turning to bump into a startled Rey. She raised her fist to break his nose, but was quickly pulled back by a co-worker. She laughed nervously.

"An autopsy isn't being performed unless requested by kin. We've identified the woman as Francis Maxwell, would you like to contact her nearest family?"


Destinny rubbed the body oil on her stomach before slipping into her teddy. London sat on the floor of the spacious room attempting to put the swing together. Des sighed while running her long fingers through her hair. She went to push her feet into her stilettos.

"Give it a break. You have six months to go, baby girl."

London, frustrated, began to cry. She was angry that nothing was going her way. She jammed the pieces back into a box before walking over to her bed. Des chuckled she applying mascara. She knew London was only going through changes her body wasn't familiar with. In a minute she would be saying she was tired.

"I'm out, I'll see you when I get off. I might try to leave at eleven to catch drinks with a friend." Destinny blew London an air kiss then disappeared, leaving her by herself in the house.

Their grandmother was out at bible study with her friends, and Desman was out with his new friend. London laid underneath the covers listening to the cars driving by. She turned towards the television, beginning to think.

The sound of the screen door being opened scared her. Her heart began to pound in her. Heavy footsteps followed light ones caused her to jump up. A wave of sudden relief soaked her once Desman's voice could be heard.

"The bathroom is right there, I'm in here if you need me."

"I'll be in there, handsome, " his friend replied.

Her phone vibrated, and she jumped for it, answering quickly. "Hello?"

"I got something for you. Where are you?"

Lemarques replied. She smiled to herself while reciting the address. It was a relief to hear from him after the few days. She figured he was trying to let the news sink in.

She fixed her hair as she heard the laughter and talking of Desman and his company. She was happy he was finally doing something other than stressing himself.

Lemarques gently kissed her then handed her a pregnancy test. She looked down at then at him. "I just want to be sure so I can tell everybody."

"Of course," she replied. London had nothing to hide so she did this willingly for him. In reward she received amazing oral sex and a whole night of cuddling with no interruptions.

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