The wedding: Chapter 2 The actual wedding

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(Ingrid's POV)

"You ready?"  Avi asked.

Avi will be walking me down the aisle since I don't have a Dad.  Mitch is the best man, Kirstie's the bridesmaid, and Kevin is gonna play the cello for us.

I nodded slowly.

I'm nervous and all that, but I'm so ready, I'm ready to make a commitment and spend the rest  of my life with Scott.

Avi stuck out his arm for me to hook on.

"Let's go then."  Avi game me a smile as I accepted his arm.

He gave a nod to the two guys standing on the two sides of the big beautiful door, then they opened the door for us.  

Oh my god, I'm not so sure right now, this is scary!!!!  I wanna go back, close the door back pleaseeee!!!

The crowd in front of us all stood up and Kevin started playing the wedding song.

Avi walked a step forward.  I should probably start walking too.

But my legs are shaky, I don't think I could move right now.

"Ingrid, you can do it."  Maya, one of the flower girls, said behind me.

"Yeah, Scott is waiting."  Lola said while pointing to the front.

I looked forward, I saw Scott standing there, but it's quite far.

Then I felt a light pull on my dress, so I turned my head.

"You love Scott, right?"  Maxine said.

I nodded.  I do love him so much.

"Then go, marry him."  Kate chuckled.

I looked back to the front.

"You heard them, let's go."  Avi gave me a warm smile. 

I stepped out with my shaky legs, and eventually, we started walking down the aisle.

I looked around nervously as I walked, I really feel like running out of this place.

But then, my eyes settled on Scott.

Seeing his smile, I know everyting is gonna be alright.

It's funny how everyone is staring at me right now, but all I could see is Scott.

Finally, we arrived at the end of the aisle, I let go of Avi and turned my body facing him.

"I'm proud of you, Ingird."  Avi smiled.

I pulled him in for a hug, and kissed his cheek afterwards.

Avi then left to stand on the first roll seat, along with the flower girls.

Scott reached his hand out for me, I took it and he led me up the steps.

Kevin saw that I'm in place, so he stopped playing, and everybody sat down.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here...."  The priest started.

I looked into Scott's eyes, unable to look away.

The audience was silent, all I could hear was the priest, my own heartbeat, and Mitch's sob behind Scott.  

"........vows."  The priest said.

Oh, my turn to talk.

I cleared my throat.

"Scott, I love you.  I lost pretty much everyone that I love in my life, and I'm devastated. I lost faith in human, and I thought I'd never get to love anyone again.  Then I met you, and I fell in love.  We fought with so much barriers in our relationship.  And now look at where we're at.  I'm nothing without you, Scott.  You're the only one that I'll ever need.  I love you and I promise to be the perfect wife."  I finished.

"Oh...."  Mitch loudly sobbed.

Oh, dear Mitch.

"Mr. Hoying?"  The priset called.

"Baby, I love you too.  And having you 'knock' on my door was the best thing that ever happened to me.  Yeah, she didn't even see the doorbell, so."  Scott said to the crowd.

"Those weeks when I'm hiding my feelings for you were the hardest.  I can't sleep, I can't eat.  All I wanted was you.  Now that I get you, I want you even more.  I can't wait to start a family with you and be with you forever."  Scott said.

"Now please exchange rings."  The priest said.

Mitch, the best man, walked to Scott's side.

"Mitch, you okay?"  Scott whispered as Mitch handed over the ring.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm fine."  Mitch said with red eyes and puffy cheeks.

Scott chuckled and turn back to me with the ring.

He slid it on my ring finger and it fit perfectly.

"Here, sweetie."  Kirstie said as she gave me Scott's ring.

He gave me his hand to let me put it on.

"Okay, now, Scott Hoying, will you love her, comfort her, honor her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others?"  The priest asked.

"Yes, yes of course."  Scott answered.

"Ingrid Prentiss, will you love him, comfort him, honor him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others?"  The priest asked.

"Yes, I-"  I was cut off.

Scott pulled me in and gave me the most passionate kiss ever.

"I now anounce you, husband and wife!!"  The priest chuckled and said.

The audience all stood up and cheered, and Kevin started playing his cello again.

Wow, I'm married.


A/N:  This is the actual wedding, and yes those of you who are invited are all sitting down there watching.  Most of the talking parts will be done in the next few chapters!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter.  Please vote and leave a comment, thank you:)

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