Chapter 45 Strawberry and the ferris wheel

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(Scott's POV)

"Thank you."  I said to the waitress as she put the strawberry ice-cream I just odered in front of me.

After the awkward moment back at the apartment, Mitch decided we all should go somewhere together.  So, here we are, at the ice-cream place in the amusement park.

We played a few rides before we came here.  The one that I liked the most is the insane roller coaster.  To my surprise, Ingrid was totally okay with it, but not Avi.  When we decided to go for the second time, he made up some lame excuses and got away with it.  

Then we're here, sitting at this rectangle table, ready to have ice-cream. 

"Ingrid, here."  I picked up the one strawberry on top of my ice-cream, and reached my hand out to Ingrid, who was sitting across from me.

As she opened up her mouth ready to bite into it. I decided to mess with her just to see her cute little pouted face.

I suddenly got the strawberry away from her, and put it straight into my mouth.

"Yum!!"  I dramatically exclaimed.

"You tricked me..."  She pouted.

So cute.

I chuckled as she glared at me.

"If you kiss me now, you'll still taste strawberry."  I pursed up my lips.

"I'm not kissing you."  Ingrid said while turning her head to the other side. 

"Then I guess I'm not taking you to the ferris wheel."  I threatened.

"There's ferris wheel here?"  She gasped.

She jumped out of her seat, cupped my face and kissed me.

"Ferris wheeeeeel!!!"  She said excitedly.

"Yes, babe.  But we should finish this first."  I chuckled, pointing at the ice-cream.

After ice-cream, we went for the ferris wheel.

"Hey Avi, you aren't afraid of this right?"  Mitch teased.

"Of course not."  Avi responded.

"Yeah, right."  Mitch said.

He better not be afraid, cuz you know, dragons fly high.

"Umm, two to six people in a cart."  Kevin spoke, reading the instruction sign.

"You guys want some privacy? Us four could share one, and you guys share one."   Kirstie said.

"No, no, no.  No privacy.  Remember what happened back then when they had 'privacy'?  If that happened again, the whole cart would shook terriblely, and then fell to the ground.  So, no, we should all be in one."  Mitch said, glaring at Ingrid and I.

"Fine."  I said while put my arm around Ingrid, who was blushing heavily.

We waited in line for ten minutes or so, then we finally got in the cart and took off.

"No shaking guys, no shaking!!"  Avi said nervously as the wheel started turning.

We all laughed of course.

The wheel got higher and higher, and finally reaching it's peak.

"Ingrid, you know what they said, right?  If two people kissed when on top of a ferris wheel, they'll never be separated."  I said.

"Yeah."   She replied, leaning in closer.

I glanced over the window, waiting for the right time.

"Wooo, we're there!!" Mitch exclaimed.

At that moment, I pulled Ingrid in for a kiss.

After a few second, she pulled away and gave me a smile.

As I got lost in her eyes, I felt something touched my temple.

"Whaa?"  I looked up, and I found Kevin, went on to kiss everyone's temple.

"Seriously, don't shake."  Avi said as Kevin finished with everyone, and got back to his seat.

"So, I guess it's emotional-talking time?"  Kirstie chuckled.

"Yes, it is."  Kevin said.

We all looked at him, ready to hear his speech.

"Guys, when we're older, it won't be like this anymore.  We will have our own family, have our own things to do.  But no matter how hardly we see each other in the future, no matter how different it is from now, I want us to be always be for each other, I want our hearts be inseparable."  Kevin said.

"Dude, I'm crying."  Mitch said as he brought us in for a group hug.

"Guys, it's shaking!!!"  Avi yelled.  

A/N:  YAYYYY!!  Hope you like this chapter:))

Sadly, this story is ending soon.

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