Chapter 30 I'm sleeping

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(Ingrid's POV)

Today went fast, and not very much has happened.

It's now night time.  Scott and I were lying on the bed. He was on my left side with his body facing me.

But I wasn't facing him though, I was staring at the ceiling. Just the thought of sharing a bed with him makes me nervous. But also excited at the same time.

A long awkward silence occurred after we lay down, then Scott broke it with his cute chuckle.

"Why are you so far away from me, babe?" He asked.

"Cuz I haven't gotten used to this yet..." I pouted, still looking up.

"But we've cuddled for like a thousand times." He said while his hand fiddling the tip of the blanket that we shared.

"I know. But this is different." I turned my head to look at him for a brief second, hoping that I didn't hurt his feelings. Then I quickly turned back.

"Go to sleep, Scott. Long day tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah...Goodnight, hon." He said.


Twenty minutes later, he sounded asleep.

I turned my body slowly, try not to wake him.

I started studying his face.

This is the chance I was looking for.

I carefully leaned in closer to him, so I could watch him clearer.

His hair was a mess, lips parted a bit.

Then I started to blush, realizing what I'm actually doing.

I silently giggled to myself.  This may be so called fangirling.

Admiring him, I felt my whole body warming up.....

A kiss won't wake him, right? Well, unless he's sleeping beauty...

I got to him even more closer.

"I love you." I mouthed.

I eased my lips onto his, gently.

After the kiss, I started to feel like I wanted more than that...

Oh, snap. He's moving....

I quickly faked asleep, hoping he would fall for it. But my red cheeks and my fast heartbeat weren't helping this situation at all.

It was my idea to keep the lights on, now I wish that it was dark.

(Scott's POV)

I was sleeping when I felt something tickled.

Judged by the softness, I could tell it was Ingrid's lips.

I stretched a bit before I opened my eyes.

I saw Ingrid just inches away from me with her cheeks dark red and her breath short and quick.

She was guilty of kissing me in the middle of my sleep, I knew it.

I chuckled and blushed, thinking why would she do that.

"Ingrid..." I whispered softly into her ear.

"I'm asleep..." She mumbled.

"No, you're not." I chuckled, nudging her nose with mine.

"Fine. You got me. I couldn't sleep, so I ....., I'm sorry." She blushed.

"You know..." I said softly, teasing her with my kisses on the bridge of her nose.

"We could do something else...." I then kissed her desperately.

A/N:Guys, I know I said this chapter will be "the chapter", but I'm not completely sure how to write something like that yet.

And also I don't want to make you guys wait, so I decided to divide this night into two chapters, and post this part first.

Pleaseeeee don't hate me and hope you like this chapter. Byeeee

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