Bonus Chapter 2 part 2 Secret, cakes and popsicle

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(Ingrid's POV)

Sitting at the little table across from Scott on the tour bus.  I was doing some paper work for Pentatonix. 

I looked up and saw Scott looking quite sad, so I put down my pen, got off the chair and walked to him.

"Babe, what's wrong?  You look upset."  I said to Scott while sitting on his lap, hugging him.

"No, it's nothing.  I'm good."  He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh, okay."  I gave him a smile and a kiss on his temple, then I got off him and went back to my work.

Today is Scott's birthday,and we all pretended like we forgot.  But we're actually having a surprise party for him.

I've been preparing for two weeks now, and I think I'm ready, ready to sing for Scott.

I'm so nervous because he never heard me sing before, and I'm afraid that he won't like my singing.

Kirstie, Avi, Mitch and Kevin were at the couch area behind Scott.  I gave Kevin, who's looking at my direction, a look.

It's time.

"I'll be your baby.....hum hum hum.."  I started humming, almost to myself.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that I already got Scott's attention.  

Probably because I don't usually do this, so he thought it was odd.

Or maybe it's because it is Beyonce's song, he loves Beyonce.

Or maybe worse, he thinks I'm terrible.

"1, 2, 3..."  Kevin started.  

I literally jumped off my seat, ready to sing.

"I'll be your baby, promise not to let you go, love you like crazy, say you'll never let me go.."  Kirstie, Mitch and I started singing, Mitch sang a bit lower, and Kirstie a bit higher.  Avi and Kevin were both doing their things of course.

Scott obviously didn't know what's going on at first, but then I walked to him and pulled him out of his seat, he then knew what was going on, we got all this planned.

"Boy come to me, let me turn your rain into sun..."  I sang, Kirstie and Mitch doing woos in the back.

Trying to be sexy, I guess, I pulled Scott closer to me and.....I didn't even know what I was doing, I grabbed his butt and just..pressed myself against him.  

 I heard him chuckled nervously, he was probably shocked.

"You don't have to worry, I promise that I'll set your heart free, let my love into your soul, you go, I go, we go ,that's all she wrote.."  I pushed him away, and kept singing slash dancing.

"Say you, say-say you'll nev-nev, say you'll never let me go."  We finished with a weird pose.

"Wow...I'm speechless." Scott clapped his hands like crazy.

"Happy birthday, Scott!!"  We shouted.

"Thank you guys."  Scott said.

"Hey, it's your girl's idea." Kevin said.

"Come here, Ingrid."  He called, and I walked forward to him.

"Thank you, hon.  And your voice is beautiful.."  He whispered as he hugged me tight.

That's a big relief.

"And you thought we forgot."  I chuckled. 

"How come you can be sweet and evil at the same time..?"  Scott said.

"Speaking of sweet, Avi, bring them in."  I said as I broke up our hug.

"Okay."  He went to the fridge and came back with two enormous cakes.

"Cakeeeee!!"  Mitch exclaimed and jumped up and down.  We all shook our heads and chuckled.

We began to chat and ate the first cake, which was chocolate.

"Ingrid, you know how much I love you?"  Scott asked.

"No..?" I tilted my head with confusion.

"So, so, so, so much."  He giggled and took out his hands, which I just noticed he was hiding behind him.

With his hands covered in whipped cream, he just rubbed it all over my face.

"Scott!!"  I yelled, trying to open my eyes.

Everyone just bursted into laughter, including Scott.

From no where, Scott was attack too.

"Ha!"  Kirstie did the same to Scott as Scott just did to me.

I quickly gave Kirstie a high five.

"Oh, it's so on. You girls are so dead."  Scott turned around and dug his hands into the cake.

"I want to play, too!" Mitch exclaimed, and just climbed on Kirstie's back, making her face covered in whipped cream as well.

Then the war began.  I saw Avi and Kevin were sitting there, shrugging their shoulders.

I grabbed just the right amount of whipped cream that could covered Avi's entire face and walked towards him.

"No, no, no, Ingrid, don't- "  Avi said nervously.

"Too late."  I gave him an evil smirk, and attached my hands to his face.

After I was done with Avi, I walked to Kevin.

"You might wanna take this off."  I said to him as I took off his glasses and set it aside.

"Hey, beautiful."  Scott caught me off gaurd while I was being nice to Kevin.  

He grabbed me from behind and spun me around.

He put his whipped cream-covered hands on my cheeks. 

"I love you so much."  He said sweetly.

"I love you too."  

We then shared a kiss, a creamy, passionate kiss.

"Ewww, you guys."  Kevin said behind us, being disgusted.  

A/N: To be continued.  Next part, let's say it'll be different.  Just warning you:)  Any guesses?

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