Chapter 20 Crazy for you

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(Scott's POV)

My brain just went black....

Is this real life? Is this really happening?  I don't really know.

For a short second, Ingrid pulled away. I opened my eyes and looked at her, I saw a look I've never seen on her before.  A great pain...

She turned her head and left to her bedroom, without saying a word.

I stood there, completely frozen.

(Ingrid's POV)

"Uhhh!" I groaned, waking up on my bed with major headache.

I kissed him?  

That's the first thing that came in my mind.  

I took my pillow and yelled right into it.  

How can I be so careless and uncontrolled?  

Kissing a man who I shouldn't be kissing....

Now our friendship is about to sink like Titanic.

After all, I was bound to lose everyone that I love.  It was my fate.

Why fight it then?  Might as well just go out and face him.

I gathered myself together, got mentally prepared of what's going to happen.

*In the dining room.*

Coming out of the bedroom, I saw Scott using his phone at the table.

"Morning."  He greeted me with a smile after noticing me there.

"Morning." I simply replied, walking to him with my shaky legs.

"Scott, I'm sorry for what I did.  Running away like that, it's irrational and irresponsible."  I said.

"Hey....I'm sorry for yelling at you, I didn't mean to do that.  Now, can you please, please tell me why you did that? "  He asked.

"I thought that kiss was clear enough..."  I said along with a sigh.  He looked confused and waiting for me to say more.

I tried to ignore my fast-beating heart and kept talking.

"I'm...hopelessly in love with you, Scott.  And it's wrong, you are my best friend, my room mate and my family.  The feelings I have for you makes it so hard to be in the same room with you.."  

I turned around to the other side, facing opposite from him.

"I can't even look at you.  Every time I was like having a heart attack."  I took a deep breath as I felt Scott getting closer to me.

"I'm crazy,Scott." I mumbled.

"Then I must be crazier.."  He wrapped his arms around me from behind, whispering into my ear.  His warm breath on my ear, made me shiver.

"Close your eyes."  He whispered some more.

(Scott's POV)

She did what I told her to, she shut her eyes.

I unwrapped my arms and walked in front of her.  Carefully grabbed her waist, took a look at her face and all the features on it.  I can't believe how beautiful she is.

Leaning in slowly, I pushed my lips onto hers. 

I held her tighter and tighter, not letting her slip away from my finger tips.  Quiet moan escaped from her mouth making her lips parted, I grasped the time to thrust my tongue in and tangled with hers. 

At that very moment, the clock on the wall stopped ticking, the Earth stopped spinning, SpongeBob stopped airing on TV. 

All that was not stopping was us, kissing passionately.

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