Chapter 32 (Vague goodbyes)

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*Vedette’s POV*

“Thank God you’re awake.” Mom happily stated. She looks exhausted again. I’m a heavy load on her shoulders again.

“How long have I been sleeping?” I pushed that negative thing on my mind and asked them.

“2 straight days, we missed you.” Lara said. She, Lora and Grey jumped to me and hugged me so tight. They’re really close to me already huh? It feels like I now have little brother and sisters. But me sleeping for 2 days is not good. I can’t get them too attached to me. Not now that I’m no good. Same with Lorence....

-after an hour-

After talking and talking, Dr. Mike checked me and they all left. I was left with mom and dad.

“Is there anything you want to eat?” Dad asked me.

“Nothing in particular dad.”

“Ok my dear daughter. We’ll just buy food and don’t get up on your bed.”

“Yes dad.”

Then they left me also. Finally some alone time for me. I’ve been through so much this past few weeks and I now I’m getting worse but I can’t stop myself from thinking about Lorence. Lorence is my everything but he hates me now. I know this is my fault. I deserve all of this. But wait. What is this? There was a note on my side table…


We had the great love at the wrong time I guess, huh? But always keep in that mind of yours that I love you and I’ll always do. I’m letting you go for now and I swear that I will come and get you back. Take care of yourself. I love you so much that I’m doing this for you as well.

P.S. Let my brother be with you but don’t love him like you did before. Tss. I trust you annoying Ved.


I read his letter over and over again until I found myself crying again. I know this is what’s best for the three of us but why does it hurt? He said he’ll come back but it hurts. It really does but this is it already.

*Chad’s POV*

It’s been 2 weeks already. No improvement in Ved’s condition and as well as mine. It’s getting worse and worse each day. I’m getting paler and thinner. I get dizzy all the time. Ved’s the same but mine is worse than hers. What can we say? The brain and the heart are the most important parts of our body. Why do we have to have deficiencies with them? But it is here already. There’s no point if I complain. So here we are locking ourselves again in this hospital room and watching a movie together. We do this for almost every day but it still feels good for me. It feels good that Vedette is with me right now. I’m very thankful to my brother but I know it’s already the time to be selfless. I know Ved and Lorence are suffering because of me. I had to stop this selfishness soon. I’m going to miss them. When Vedette left my room, I talked to my mom who is always there beside me.

“Mom, rest beside me” I called her and pat the space in my bed. That’s why she did. I’m going to miss this. “I love you mom.”

“I love you too, my son” she replied and kissed my forehead.

“We both know I’m going to die anytime soon, promise me you’ll take care of yourself please.”

My mom was so shocked that she just sat on my bed looking angry and hurt. “What are you talking about?”

“Come on mom, promise me. I also want you to give a letter to Ved, it’s on my bag. Read it all together when I die and if anything happens to Ved and I can donate my heart, please do so.”

“Chad. Stop….” She said that while crying so hard. It’s painful to look at the most important woman in your life crying. I hugged her and whispered, “Please mom. Promise me.”

“Promise” By that, I hugged her tighter. “I love you so much. I’ll always be with you.”

That night I slept beside my mom. I'm going to miss her. In fact, all of them but all is set now. I can finally rest and at the same time, be there for them.

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