Chapter 28 (Chad's promise)

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“What are you doing here?” Chad said to me. “You’re supposed to be in your room.”

“Relax. I just want to check on you.” 

You must be confused. Let me tell you what happened after I collapsed. I just woke up in a hospital bed. I also told my parents that I don’t want to see Lorence. Of course, they were all shocked but they did what I said. Lorence seems to understand, I heard him talking to Dr. Mike the other day. He wants to see me but he’s not allowed. They said he might stress me more. After that day, I never saw him again. Lorence been texting and calling me and I keep on ignoring him. Maybe this is what’s right for all of us. And as you can see, I’ve been visiting Chad ever since I was hospitalized.

“Want some of those? Feel free to get.” He said pointing the fruits in the basket.I grabbed an apple and I prepared the movie that we promised we’ll watch. “You never say no to food. As always.” Chad continued but that sentence is made to tease me. Great.

“Shut up!” I replied to this guy. Bad bad Chad. We watched together and I ended up crying again. I always get carried away.

“You look cute.” He said to me and pinched my cheek. “I miss this you know? You, Me. Just like the old days.” It can never be like we used to be. Our relationship is over. We can't be together. After all, as I look at him, I feel sad. I keep on thinking about Lorence and Chad's condition worsens everyday. He's paler and thinner and has no more hair because of the treatments he underwent.


“Yeah. I know you love Lorence. I know…” he said that while frowning but he immediately covered it up with a smile. A fake and weak one. *sigh*

-the next day-

“Let’s take a walk.”

“Are you sure you can?” I asked Chad.


“Ok. But tell me if you’re tired already or what.”

“That’s why I never wanted to tell you my condition.”

“Think of this as my VIP treatment to you Mr. Chad Perez.”

He laughed and we both headed to the garden of this hospital. It’s small yet very refreshing. Everyday I do my best to go to him despite my condition and make him smile.

“You should always take care of yourself Ved.” Chad said to me out of the blue.

“What are you talking a-------”

“Shh. This is my moment. You became really talkative huh?”

“Peace.” Was all I manage to say. I don't want to hear what he's about to say. Please. Don't leave us.

“As I was saying before a crazy cute girl interrupted me, you should always take care of yourself. Hold on before you end up with regrets just like me. And know that there are lots of people who love you.”

“Chad….Please don’t leave me again.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. I promise.” Those are the words I will hold on to. I know he won't break his promise....

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