No buts your going

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A/N: new story yayyy


     So let me tell you a short story of how it all started how I became the woman I am today. It all started when I was fifteen. I've been dating Jack for two weeks, I thought I was his world and I thought I was his..... sadly I was WRONG. The night of my birthday party he dumped me infront of everyone. It was humiliating and I was angry at myself mostly for failing for the stupid butthead of a jerk. My parents are always on business trips so I am always by myself at home. After the little incident I asked them if I can go live with uncle Jim. Of course they said no, he lives in the ruff business but after some convincing and crying I managed. He taught me how to fight and even welcomed me to his gang which was such a big honor. Skip three years and my uncle Jim told me I have to go back to school so I can go to high school party's get a boyfriend but who needs them when I have me! Well that's the story, right now I'm trying to convince my uncle not to let me go because I hate school I've been homeschooled ever since I left but maybe it's gonna change........hopefully not.

   "But I don't want to go back all the teachers are stupid and get you in trouble for doing nothing." I was starting to yell at my uncle.

   "I don't care your going and that's final." He gave me a serious look, and if looks could kill I would be drop dead.

    "But-" I was about to speak when my uncle interrupted rude. "No buts your going." Hehehe he said....but...hehehehe I'm such a kid.

    "FINE I'll go." I rolled my eyes. "Thank you mi princessa." My uncle is half Mexican but I'm not but I can speak and understand it. "Now go pack your flight is tomorrow morning. You need rest."

    I dragged my feet upstairs to my room, and started to pack.

    After an hour or so of packing I was tired but I wanted to work out a bit so I can at least look fit. I am pretty fit but last night I ate some Oreos and a bag of chips with a large pizza and soda to wash it all down...... yeah I eat a lot, I mean like A LOT. Sometimes I wonder how am I so skinny when I eat like a pig.

    I went in my closet and picked out some underwear and a black bra. Then I grabbed an outfit for tomorrow and an outfit for tonight with pjs.

     I put on some dark gray joggers, a white muscle shirt with a black sports bra and white adidas trainers. And headed to the gym room which was located out back.

     "Hey Val." One of my uncles guard named Zack greeted me. I'm close with some of them there like my uncles or older brothers. "Hey Zack." I gave a bright smile.

     I headed over to the punching bag and just let it all out. All the stress, anxiety, anger, sadness everything.

    After three hours of training I went back upstairs to take a cold shower.

    I turned on the water, and let it fall on my back. I washed my bloody knuckles and washed my hair. After that refreshing shower I put a towel and my hair and got another one to dry my body.

    I stepped out of the bathroom into my room and put on some cozy puppy print pajama pants and a black tank top. I flipped myself on the bed and let sleep take over.



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