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        After school I changed into someone a more casual. (Outfit above)

       I then heard a loud honk outside, and as I peeked through the window I saw Lèo in his black Jeep. 

     I grabbed my small back pack and said a quick goodbye to uncle jim and Cora as I left.

       Romeo has texted me saying he and Lorenzo were gonna head over there and GiGi said she was waiting for us already.

       "Hey." Lèo smiled. I put my bag in the bag seat and replied with a 'hey'.

      "So what did you need to tell me?" I asked impatiently. That's one thing I hate about myself, I'm so inpatient.

     "You'll have to wait, mon fleur." He said. There he goes again with the French which I don't understand sadly.

     As we arrived to the entrance, the place was packed. I can see a small GiGi and a guy next to her waving at us.

     I jumped out the car and was tackled by GiGi.

     "OOF" I yelped.

        "HEY GIRL HEYYY." She yelled into my ear.

      As she got off and handed me a hand I could see Lèo trying to hold his laugh in.

     "It's not funny." I lightly punched him in the arm.

      We walked over to the ticket booth and bought twenty dollars worth of tickets, I also bought some cotton candy that was next to it.

      "Heyy that's mine." I pouted as Lèo took a piece. But he just rolled his eyes.

We decided to go on a really steep roller coaster to get our energy up, it was called the SPRINGER, weird name I know.

        It was basically a roller coaster that took you up, then it dropped you 100ft then went up a little, three! Loops and your done.

     "Tickets?" The girl asked.

        As we handed them we hoped on the front, other people filling in as well. The whole ride was a blur, my hair was flying everywhere and my screams so loud it hurt my own ears.

Once we got off GiGi and her boy toy left who knows to do what, and Lorenzo ended up finding some chick to make out with along with Romeo.

Like come on guys this isn't a make out festival.... unbelievable.

After a couple of rides, and almost loosing my voice. The sun started going down and it was the perfect golden hour.

"Ooo lets take a picture, cause look at this lighting." I Said flipping out my phone.

     Lèo smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders while I smiled as well.

As we started walking back to the car we sat inside letting the cool air fill the car.

Lèo's POV:

This was it..... I was going to tell her. I was going to tell her about the crash, the memory's. Everything...

"I need to tell you something." I Said gaining her attention. Her expression was serious but I could see curiosity itching at her.

"When I was only five years old, I meet a little girl, she was the smartest and bravest little girl I've ever meet. Everyday after school we would go over to her house and play in her play set. As we got older, she told me secrets and I told her mine. But then one day when she was moving, she crashed. I visited her in the hospital that day but she wasn't awake. The day after day I came back to see if one day she would wake up. About a month later she did wake up..... but she didn't remember me. She didn't remember anything about me." I paused, memory's of the experience flooding back.

"That's awful, I'm so sorry." Val said as a single tear left her perfectly golden eyes.

"Val..... that little girl was you."


A/N: next chapter will be up later today or tomorrow morning, I'm feeling inspired:)

I'm back and badassTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon