34: A Night To Remember

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Davina was back on the road with her parents and she was helping keep the people backstage entertained. Cat walked in from a victory against Mandy after Sasha and Mickie had come out ringside with her. She got a drink from a water bottle and she popped her back. Paige taking a seat, "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you and with everything. You've been by my side with the Alberto thing.", Catherine smiled, "It's alright. I promise. Paige, I'm really happy that you're back.", Catherine smiled and looked at her friend, "It's all finally changing. We're finally being respected.", the two hugged, "So, Fergel.", Catherine smiled and placed a piece of hair behind her ear, "I love him, with all of my heart and soul. He is amazing to me and to Vina.", Paige smiled as her friend's eyes shined and her smile never faltered. "So, the Royal rumble.", Catherine smiled, "The first women's Royal rumble. I bet Nikki and Brie will be back and maybe a few of the girls from the Mae Young Classic.", Paige nodded, "It's definitely changing.", Catherine nodded, "So, how long until the wedding?", Catherine turned, "2 weeks. Charlotte, Brie, and Alexa are my bridesmaids. Sami, Aj, and Luke are the groomsmen. Davina is the flower girl. It's happening at a little white church that was placed on the lower side of our property.", Paige nodded and smiled, "No Maid of Honor or Best man?", she turned, "Yeah. Renee is my maid of honor and Karl is the best man.", Catherine was smiling and she was so happy. The week before the rumble, the week of RAW 25 years celebration, she was going to marry her best friend. "Is Dolph going?", Catherine paused, "I mean, he hasn't been seen in over a month. I just hope he's okay. He might have been awful to me, but I don't want anything bad to happen to him. I'm not saying that because of that I want him at my wedding, because I honestly don't. I want this to be a happy day and a day of celebration and love. Not a day to merge my terrible past with my present, ya know.", Paige nodded and they both looked up at the TV as Dana walked out with Titus Worldwide, "How long do you think she's going to last?", Catherine looked at the screen, "Not long. I also saw that same of the fans are comparing Mandy to Eva Marie.", Paige took in a breath, "Ouch, that's not good.", Catherine shook her head, "No, it isn't. We don't need anymore Eva Maries, Summer Raes, or Camerons backstage. We've come so far, I don't want to see us backtrack. I know I've made history for fighting my father and my uncle and my friends in matches, but that's because they were men. I was fighting men in steel cages and the cell, and the chamber, and so many other things. I want to be part of the Women's history, ya know. I want to fight in a steel cage or the cell with you or Alexa or Sasha or Bayley. I want to he in a rumble with my friends, the women. I want to make history with the women.", Paige nodded, "It's going to be a night to remember.", Catherine smiled, "I can't wait.", they bumped shoulders and Catherine turned, her eyes were wide. "Why the hell is he out there?", Paige shook her head and Catherine ran, slinging on her jacket, she shoved passed coworkers and backstage help, and her music erupted from the sound system as she ran down and slid into the ring.

She was in between Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns. Joe smirked and she raised an eyebrow. She stood up and Roman coughed. "You've done enough. Leave.", he laughed and she glared. He stopped laughing, "Leave, before I make you, Joe.", he chuckled, "I'm not scared of you, little girl.", she ran her tongue over her teeth and nodded, a smirk making its way onto her face, "You should be.", and she slapped him. He stumbled and she backed up a little as he stumbled around and shook his head, he turned and she speared him. She gave a scream and threw off her jacket. She licked her lips and paced around, she shook her shoulders. The fans chanting, "RKO" or "Superman" depending on what they wanted her to do. She laughed and rolled her shoulders when Cesaro and Sheamus came out. She smirked and Superman punched Joe and he rolled from the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus slid into the ring and she smirked as she looked at each of them. She smirked and made a clicking noise and the fans started chanting chicken. Cesaro glared at the fans, "I'm not a chicken.", Sheamus went to hit Catherine with a Brogue Kick and she grabbed his leg and shook her head, spinning him around and giving him an RKO. She stood up and licked her lips again and laughed. She walked around Abit as Cesaro turned from near the fans and she suicide dived him. He hit the barricade and she pranced around and did one of her taunts. She laughed and shook her shoulders, she was very much like Randy right now. She looked up and smiled, as Cesaro stood she tackled him through the barricade. She rolled over and walked threw the destruction she had caused and she grabbed a Kendo Stick. She beat him with it and Bray's music filled the air. She turned and glared, Bray laughing as she walked down. She flicked up an eyebrow and rolled back into the ring. Bray walked down and as he went to talk she attacked him, and Matt ran out. He laughed and looked at her, her turned and started his 'Delete' chants. She smirked and raised an eyebrow. She raised her hands and smirked. She rolled from the ring, she walked out backwards and went back behind the gorilla.

Hunter looked at her and she raised an eyebrow, "What were you thinking?", she smirked, "I wasn't. I'm best friends with a lunatic and the viper, my uncle is the game, and my fiance is the demon king.", Hunter shook his head and she smirked and gave a wink. "Besides, it'd be bad if the main event of the rumble couldn't happen because Joe doesn't know when to make his presence known and when to hide in the shadows. I was protecting your assets.", she pulled her jacket back on and left the gorilla area and went to catering. Finn stared at her, "Really, love? You couldn't just stay back here?", she snorted, "Well of course not. I don't know what Stephanie is thinking having Jordan team with Seth while Ambrose is out, but it's going to bite them in the ass. If Dean would have been here, Roman would have had backup. Dean isn't here and Seth is teamed with Jason Jordan, which I don't agree with. I wasn't going to watch Roman get hurt.", Finn grabbed her as Davina ran in, "What about you?", she licked her lips, "I can protect myself, I think I've proved that pretty well. But, I know that I have friends backstage. Brock would have ran out, Braun as well. You would have too, besides, Matt and I have an agreement. Bray still has a weird obsession with me, I think it's because of what Randy and I did a while ago. Matt is having issues with Bray, I'm helping. If I can draw Bray out, and maybe even distracted him something, Matt gets good momentum. What's going to happen when Jeff comes back? Or what if Jeff doesn't come back? Is Matt going to leave on a good note or is it going to be because an oversized redneck kisses his forehead and knocks him out in the ring? This is helping us and so many others. I would never out myself in danger, not now. Maybe before you, yeah. If I had of come back alone, who knows where I would be? But Finn, you and Davina, are my reason for being save and smart.", Finn hugged her and she smiled as Davina walked over, "This is cute and all, but can we go? I'm tired.", the couple laughed, "Yes, ma'am. Let's go to the bus and watch some Monster High and go to the next town.", the little family left and everyone smiled. Catherine was just as dangerous, but she had a reason to watch her actions. If she got hurt, she couldn't protect Davina or help Finn. She couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let it happen.

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