❄ Special | Christmas ❄

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I couldn't really give you any Christmas presents individually, so I thought of gifting you a little chapter in this book! 😇 But alas I only found out that instead of publishing the damn thing, I kept it saved in the drafts. 🤦‍ Sorry for being ignorant, I was busy with the celebrations! 😅

So anyways, here's a very late Christmas gift for y'all! Enjoy! 💐✨


And so there it was. Before I even knew it, everyone was engaged in organizing the 'Wedding of the Year; Literally' as they called it. From the hall, to the menu, and to the drapes and even the dresses; everything was being taken care of by my two amazing best friends. I couldn't have considered myself more lucky.

And my dear husband-to-be was the one always jumping around in excitement whenever somebody even mentioned the word 'wedding'. Indeed he's such a derp. But he was my derp.

Days were passing with all of us getting ourselves ready for the big day. It was on the Christmas eve, that we planned to go out and have some fun before the wedding. Christmas was my most favorite time of the year. And I always enjoyed spending this day, like a tradition, with the people I loved the most. To be honest, I missed my parents but they were to come to Korea two days prior to my wedding. So on the eve of Christmas, Sophie and Amy planned for us three to hang out at this bar that we used to go to sometimes during our off-days from work.

Accordingly, I got ready in a cuffed high-neck peach-colored blouse with a loose bow and a front-chained black pencil skirt matching with my black Campbell Lita's, and did a nude makeup to enhance the clothing.

Accordingly, I got ready in a cuffed high-neck peach-colored blouse with a loose bow and a front-chained black pencil skirt matching with my black Campbell Lita's, and did a nude makeup to enhance the clothing

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I figured since it was just a small hangout with a few drinks and lots of dancing with my two weirdos, this would be sufficient. Not being able to decide whether to leave my hair down or tie it up in a bun, I just brushed it and let it loose over my shoulders. I wasn't accustomed to getting ready by myself, because for any occasion as far as I can remember, we three got ready together. But for some reason, both Amy and Sophie decided to meet me outside the bar today.

After grabbing my last piece of apparel, the wristlet, and swinging the double-breasted jacket and a scarf over me, I locked my apartment and took a cab to the bar. I called them once I reached there, but nobody picked up. A few minutes later, I got a call from Sophie.

"Y/N! Where are you?"

"Where are you? I'm waiting for you outside!"

"Oh sorry hon. I'll be there in a minute. Do one thing, get inside. It's probably warm there."

"You think!"

"Aww, I'm sorry baby. Go in, okay? We'll find you there."

And she disconnected the call. I was a bit furious but the freezing winds didn't let me take even a whole minute to start walking through the doors into the warm interior.

It Was ❛Love❜ All Along • 박찬열#1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now