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The apartment seemed empty. I went to check the fridge where we left notes. I found three notes.

"Going out with my Mochi! <3 Don't wait up! XOXO"

I smiled at Sophie's note and said "Go girl!" The next two notes were Amy's.

"Since you guys aren't coming back, I'm going to have a Harry Potter marathon by myself, WITH THE CHOCOCHIP BUCKET! FUCK Y'ALL! Hahah!"

"On second thoughts, I'm gonna get laid! Seungri finally texted! YAHAA! YEHET~ Love you, my girlfriends! XOXO"

I was super happy for them. Smiling to myself I sat on the couch. I enjoyed this silence. I heard a soft bump from one of the bedrooms and then a moan. I stood up at once and shot towards the bedrooms. Soph and mine were empty. Moans were coming from Amy's room. Without thinking I shoved open the door and instantly shut my eyes.

" gawd!"

Amy was on top of...Seungri. Holy shit!


"Yahh, I'm sorry..."

And I turned around, closed the door and went straight to the kitchen. My cheeks turned absolutely red.

"Yah! What the hell! Why did you come in like that?!"

"You were moaning...I thought something happened to you!"

"Pabo! Don't you know when someone moans?"

"Ah yeah okay okay I'm sorry! Just go back to what you were doing!"

"Did you just come home?"


"Oh shush! Why are your clothes all saggy?"

"I was in the rain."

"Hmph...Go clean yourself."

"Yah, you weren't supposed to be here! Your note said you were going out!"

"I did go out. Then we decided to come here since none of you were home."

"Aish... Hey how  is he by the way?"

"Oh he's A~mazing!"

We shared our naughty thoughts with a giggle.

"Where were you the whole night? Were you with Jungkook all this time?"

"Oh that's a huge story! I'll tell you when you're not wrapped in a man's shirt showing off your legs. They're pretty toned by the way."

"Yup it sure is, isn't it? But hey where's your jacket?"

I checked to find that I didn't have the jacket on me. I left it back at the Hotel, in his room. Again that Chanyeol.

"Um hey?" Amy tried to get my attention back.

"Oh right...I left it at the Hotel."

"You really don't care about your clothes do you? Fine, I'll grab it for you. Take rest today. You look like you need it."

"You're the one who needs rest hon, not me. By the way, I'll go to work today. I just need to relax a bit right now. Won't bother you both. Go continue!"

"Okay hon. Love ya! Muah!"

And she went away, booty shaking. I made myself a large cup of hot chocolate and cuddled up on the couch. The sips of the drink brought back memories from last night. Starting from Jungkook's to Chanyeol's. I giggled to myself at the thought of TaeKook. Then I was really worried about their relationship. The thought of Chanyeol drifted along with these. The things he said, and the things he did. Come to think of it, he had been quite a gentleman by following me to the top of the tower, bringing me coffee, letting me sleep on his shoulders without moving an inch, giving me a silent company in the rain...Wait! Did I actually sleep on his shoulders the whole night? And did I actually have a good sleep given the conditions and the company I was with? Wow, that's daebak!

It Was ❛Love❜ All Along • 박찬열#1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now