Ch 20.5 - Decisions

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"Ugh," Jungkook groaned, rolling his shoulder around.

That woman's just as crazy as she was in high school. he thought. Idiot. You want to die alone?

Jungkook stood outside the door of the parlor, watching Jin, Jimin, and Y/N talk and laugh together. Jimin's eyes slid to the side every once in awhile, stealing a glance at Y/N before turning back to Jin.

Y/N didn't see it. But Jungkook did.

He gritted his teeth.

Jimin doesn't love her. he told himself. He doesn't.

He can't.

Shaking his head, he turned away and walked further down the hall. He needed some fresh air before going back into that place again. And his shoulder still hurt.

He went outside to the courtyard. The stars were bright, but cold. There wasn't any warmth in his surroundings. Jungkook looked over to the teams of guards patrolling the castle.

They could have died today.

All of them.

Even if Jimin pissed him off, Jungkook didn't want to see his cousin dead. He didn't hate him that much. He just didn't want to see Jimin married. Not to her.

"Everything all right, Jungkook?"

Jungkook jumped. He sighed, puffing out air. "Sehun. You snuck up on me."

"Sorry about that." he replied, laughing. "You seemed deep in thought. Something on your mind?"

Jungkook didn't say anything for a moment, then nodded to the guards. "Just imagining the possibilities."

Sehun sighed. "Jimin got lucky, didn't he?"

"More than he knows." Jungkook muttered.

"You don't sound too relieved." Sehun said, cocking an eyebrow. "Trouble between the two of you?"

Jungkook shrugged and shook his head.

"Jimin isn't the best one for taking precautions." Sehun continued. "I hope he takes things more seriously now that he's king. If not for his own sake, at least for his wife."

Jungkook tried to keep a straight face. Jimin didn't even know how much danger he put Y/N in. And every time something happened, he left her alone.

He didn't deserve her. He was no knight in shining armor. If he was, maybe Jungkook could let go of her.


"It's a shame she's so miserable here." Sehun said, putting his hands in his pockets. "I can tell that Y/N cares for him, but my brother is so cold, you know?"

Jungkook laughed ironically. "You can say that again."

"You've noticed?"

Jungkook nodded.

Sehun sucked his teeth. "Pity. Y/N seems like such a nice girl. I feel like she should be with someone who... well, nevermind. It's not my place to say these things, anyways."

Jungkook didn't look up when Sehun left. His eyes were somewhere else, focused on his thoughts.

He couldn't take it anymore. Even if it didn't amount to anything, he couldn't keep the way he felt to himself anymore. It was ripping him apart.

He had to tell Y/N how he felt.



A/N: Merry Christmas, fam! Hope you enjoy the double post as your present! Thank you so much for all your comments. They mean a lot to me. I hope you enjoy the story so far. More updates soon!

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