Ch 29 - Your POV - Loose Ends

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I could feel them staring at me.

I had been to large parties before. I was accustomed to feeling uneasy and awkward, trying my best not to do anything that would end in embarrassment or punishment. 

But I had never been to a party after being accused of adultery.

I tried to distract myself in the venue. Jimin's parents decided with the current security issues in the castle, that an outside location would be best. Outside under the stars, next to the sea... I should have felt relaxed.  

But my heart sank into my stomach every time someone politely nodded at me.  

Jimin nudged me – again – telling me to keep my head up.

How was he so confident? I knew it bothered him. It had to. The tension in the air was all my fault. If I hadn't met Jungkook in the courtyard...

"It's a pleasure to see you both again," a duke from another kingdom said, bowing.

Jimin and I bowed in return. "Thank you for coming." Jimin said.

"I must say, this is an odd time for a party, isn't it?" he continued. "With all the rumors and everything?"

I frowned. Jimin smiled.

"There are always rumors." he replied. "I'm not worried."

"Aren't you?"

The duke's eyes fell to me, narrowing. I looked down.

"The press is always wrapped up in misunderstandings." Jimin said, sighing. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. "I intend to explain everything. Until then, please enjoy the scenery." He leaned in towards the duke. "Also, the lovely lady in the purple gown over there has been watching you since you came in."

The duke turned to look, then raised his eyebrows. He grinned. "Then I suppose I should introduce myself."

He trotted away, leaving me to puff out the air I was holding.

"You okay?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know how much more I can take."

Jimin leaned his head against mine, letting his breath tickle my cheek. "I'm here with you. I won't let anything happen."

I smiled, looking up into his eyes. Even with everything I had done, he was smiling at me.

Everything would be okay.

"Your Majesty," Suho told Jimin. "Your mother wishes to speak with you."

"What is it this time?" he groaned.

Suho's face was flat. "I believe it has something to do with the incident in the dining room yesterday."

What happened yesterday?

Jimin turned to me. "Ten minutes. That's as long as I'll be away. Baekhyun. Take care of her."

Baekhyun bowed. "With my life, Sir."

Jimin kissed my hand and cheek before leaving with Suho. I watched him, aching.

"Don't worry, Mrs Majesty." Baekhyun said, smiling. "I won't leave your side."

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu