Ch 13 - Your POV - Flash Forward

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"This isn't for love. So don't expect it."

That was the first thing Jimin said to me after our parents announced our engagement.

Before we met, I wondered what he would be like. If he was handsome. If he was kind. If he would treat me like my father treated my sisters and I, or if he was a softer kind of person.

When I met him for the first time, he was warm. He smiled and asked about my flight, complimented the color of my eyes and the way it matched my dress. For a split second, he was flirtatious and kind towards me.

Then everyone left the room. That's when he said it.

"I just don't want you to get the wrong impression." he continued.

"I understand the circumstances," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "I don't have any expectations."

I didn't expect him to turn so cold so quickly. It reminded me too much of Father. It was best to keep my head down if he had the same kind of temper.

He looked at me for a long moment. I could still remember that look. Those heavy, frustrated eyes looking over me as he sighed.

"This isn't what marriage is supposed to be like." he muttered.

Two days later, a celebration was held for our engagement. It wasn't publicly announced yet, but our families were brought together, along with some groups that worked for Jimin's family.

Jimin sat next to me, but he might as well have been on the other side of the country. He kept silent, sucking down glass after glass of wine. After half a bottle, he started conversations with everyone at the table except me. I stared at my hands in my lap.

"You okay?" a voice asked beside me.

I looked up to a new face. A pair of soft, round eyes and a small sympathetic smile. I smiled back.

"Yes, thank you." I said.

He sat down next to me. I would have been lying to myself if I said he wasn't attractive. Dark hair and eyes, with strong shoulders were attractive by any standard. But more than that, I felt comfortable when he sat next to me. He was the first one to ask me how I was since I had arrived.

His dark eyes watched Jimin for a moment. He shook his head.

"Has he been this stupid the entire time?"

I blinked. I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I didn't have to. The stranger cut me off.

"It's okay. I already know the answer. He's always stupid."

I put my hand over his mouth. "Don't say things like that." I whispered. "You'll get yourself into trouble."

His eyes sparkled at me. His lips were hidden behind my hand, but I could tell he was smiling. He brought his hand up to my wrist and gently pulled it down. His touch was warm.

"Relax." he said. "Jimin can't fire me from being his cousin. I'm Jungkook, by the way."

While Jimin got more and more drunk, Jungkook kept me company. At that time, even Jimin's parents barely spoke to me. Maybe it was because my parents had their attention most of the time, or maybe because they felt guilty for forcing us together.

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now