An Inconvenient Frienemy - 5 - Jungkook POV - Kookie

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Why did I care?

Hanna didn't deserve to be cheated on, but it wasn't my business. She wouldn't believe me anyways. Forget it. Serves her right for dating that asshole and becoming one herself.

We might have stayed friends if it wasn't for him. He brought out a side of her that I didn't like. She was a good friend to me in the past. Then, after Taeyong...

...Whatever. Karma's a bitch.

I shoved my hands in my pocket, walking down the corridor. I had been walking for the last hour and a half, trying to sort my head out. Socials were boring, and I was done looking at Hanna and the bastard prince, so I bailed. The night sky was beautiful anyways. Helped me clear out my head.

This wasn't my problem. Hanna wasn't my responsibility. Let the chips fall where they may. The universe was out of my control.

My real problem was losing my damn cufflinks.

I wouldn't have cared usually, but they were a special set that Namjoon gave to me. I knew they meant a lot to him, so I had to find it.

I spent half an hour retracing my steps. I found one, and I was sure the other was in the school somewhere.

The last place I had to check was the dance floor.

The ballroom was completely empty except for the decorations. The final guests must have just left. I went back to the table I sat at before, looking around for the cufflink.

Not there. I searched the floor, wondering if someone had swept it up.

Where else would it...

I saw the doors to the balcony.

Ah. Naturally.

I went out on the balcony, and sure enough, it glittered on the ground, as if it was laughing at me. I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

I stared at the place Hanna had stood, remembering her pinned-up, braided hair and long ballgown. I'd never seen in her in something so elegant. She looked...

Dammit, stop thinking about her.

I turned back to the dance floor, slamming the balcony doors behind me.

Reaching the other side of the dance floor, I opened the door to hear familiar giggling. I froze, turning me head towards the hallway to see who it was.

Hanna, of course.

And her dumbass boyfriend.

"I think I won!" she said, raising her hands above her head in victory.

"You sure did, babe," Taeyong said, chuckling at her.

She leaned into the wall, forehead against it. "Am I popular now?"

He reached out and spun her around. "Of course! The most popular girl in the room."

She smiled. "Finally! I always wanted to be popular! Let's celebrate!"

I shook my head. How was she going to celebrate? Get more drunk? Idiot.

Wait. Had she been drinking? Where did she get the alcohol?

"You know, we could make tonight really special," he said, skirting his hands across her waist.

She giggled, jumping up and down. "You mean, like go get ice cream after curfew?"

I snorted to myself. She was even more clueless when she was drunk.

Wait... she was drunk, wasn't she? And this asshole...

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