Ch 1 - Your POV - The Cold Kiss

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"Make sure to take a picture of the groom when the bride walks down the aisle. I want to see that look in his eyes when he first sees his woman."

I tried to steady my breath as the photographers planned what photos they were taking. The lace in my white dress wasn't absorbing the sweat pouring out of my hands, but I gripped it anyways.

There wasn't a point in taking photos for this wedding. I didn't want to see the pictures. I didn't want to see how Jimin looked when I entered the room.  I didn't want to see how much he didn't love me.

"Your Majesty?"

Chen placed a warm hand on my shoulder. I smiled despite how cold my entire body felt.

"Are you ready?" he asked.


I nodded.

No matter how much Jimin hated me, neither of us could get out of this situation. We didn't have any other options. Duty over personal feelings. That was the way of royalty. Nothing mattered but our responsibilities to the people.

At least this way, we could continue to keep them safe.

Chen escorted me to the large white doors, smiling wide, as he often did. His optimism was the only thing that kept me going in times like this. He had been my assistant for as long as I could remember. Every time he said it would be okay, it was.

If that's all I had to hope on, I would.

"Big smile." he said. "I don't want a single paparazzi to write about that concerned frown of yours."

I brought a smile to my lips, making sure to get my eyes in it as much as possible. That's how they taught us to smile for the public, even if we were dying on the inside.

But it was our responsibility to keep the public at ease. What else could we do?

The wedding march began to play on the other side of the doors. Chen beamed, nodding at me encouragingly. He threw open the door for me, and a wave of mosaic lights poured through. The whole cathedral was draped in white cloth and pink roses.

The rose symbolizing romantic love. How ironic.

My father greeted me at the door, holding out his arm for me to take.

"You look stunning, my love." he whispered, glowing. I'd never seen him smile with so many teeth in all my life. "Are you ready?"

"Of course," I replied, taking his arm and kissing his cheek. "Are you?"

He patted my hand. "Never been readier in all my life."

I smiled wider, only because it kept me from visibly frowning. Didn't most fathers want to keep their little girls forever? Wasn't he supposed to say that he would never be ready to hand me off to another man?

No. That wasn't how this worked, was it?

He began to walk me down the aisle. I kept my head straight, looking at Priest Lee. I couldn't look directly at Jimin. I couldn't look into his eyes. If I did, I might come undone in front of everyone.

My mother waved her handkerchief from her seat. She was holding back tears and rubbing her face with the handkerchief as my aunt tried to calm down her joyful hysteria. My cousin, Hanna, sitting next to both of them, gave an enthusiastic wave. I lifted my hand in acknowledgement. I felt as ease knowing they were here for me.

My father brought me to the alter.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" Priest Lee asked, his wrinkles gathering at the tips of his eyes.

"I do." my father replied.

He turned me to face Jimin and walked away. Now – on this stage, alone, in front of everyone – I had to face him.

His fingers touched the sides of my veil and lifted it over my head. I searched his face for any reaction. His lips were flat. His eyes were hollow. There was no warmth in his face at all. Only that polite, royal empty stare.

I don't know why I expected anything else.

Distracted by my pounding heart, I almost missed my only line in the entire ceremony.

"I do."

The priest seemed satisfied. "And do you, Prince Jimin, take [Y/N] to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?"

His eyes burned through mine. Around the edges of his pupils, I could see his bitterness.

"I do." he said.

There wasn't a single emotion in his voice.

The priest lifted his hands in celebration. "Then let no man come between the bond of marriage, which God has created! Jimin, my son. Kiss your bride."

I swallowed. Hard.

He stepped forward, taking my face in his hands. I shut my eyes, unable to bear that look of duty on his face.

His lips touched mine.

They were cold. 

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now