Ch 12 - Jimin POV - Her

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The flight home was silent. I couldn't talk to her. All I could do was imagine her and Jungkook in our room together. What did they do? Did he touch her? Did he kiss her? How long was I gone for? What could have happened?

My imagination was killing me. I spent hours trying to shut it off, but it didn't work.

I knew she wanted to be his, but she didn't seem like the type to go behind my back like that. Jungkook would have. He wouldn't hold back. He never did. But Y/N? She always had put her responsibilities before her feelings. 

I wanted to trust her. I didn't have anyone else to rely on.

When the plane landed back home, Mother was the first to rush out and greet us.

"Oh, my baby boy!" she cried, holding my head in her hands. "I was so scared!"

"It's okay." I said. "Nothing happened. The beautiful face you gave me suffered no damages."

I smiled. She wasn't buying it.

"And Y/N!" Mother continued, running over to embrace her. "You must have been so scared. My son took care of you, didn't he?"

She looked at me, then dropped her eyes to the ground. She smiled at my mother and nodded.

Politeness again. We both know I didn't do anything for her.

My father approached us shortly after. "You doing okay, son?"

I nodded, giving my best smile. "I've always been popular."

He gave a half smirk. "At least you haven't lost your sense of humor."

My mother held both my and Y/N's chins in her hands. "I know you just got back from your honeymoon, my loves, but this calls for an emergency meeting."

I pulled away from her hand and held it in mine. "Emergency is a strong word. It's not that bad."

"With your crowning ceremony next week, this isn't something to take lightly." Father replied. "We need to find these people before they find you. It looks like they have a lot more connections than the norm."

I gritted my teeth. I was pretty sure I knew who those connections were.

We walked through the castle to the main hall. There was already a table full of advisors waiting for my arrival. At the end of the table was Sehun.

He smiled. "Welcome back, brother. Good to see you're safe."

I smiled back, hoping my lips were as sharp as his.

My mother and father went to sit next to him.

"Sehun has been digging into resources to help with this investigation." my mother said, beaming. "As soon as he heard the news, he put people to work."

I sat down next to my mother, Y/N sat next to me. Her eyes darted between Sehun and me. They narrowed.

Sharing a glance, I knew she was as skeptical as I was.

"I've been looking into different groups that may be targeting you." Sehun said. "There's quite a list, actually."

I nodded. "I'm sure. I bet there's a lot of surprising names on it."

I cocked my head to the side to look at him. He grinned.

"True." he said. "When it comes to enemies, it's hard to know what to expect."

"Is this crowning ceremony really necessary?" my mother asked, pouting. "Can't we just make him king without it?'

My father smiled. "You know as well as the rest of us, darling, that Jimin needs to show courage and authority during times like this. If he backs out now, his reputation will be spoiled for his entire reign."

I tapped my fingers on the table.

"We need to increase the amount of security the day of the ceremony." one of the advisors said.

"It won't matter if there's a leak." Sehun said. "From what I've been hearing from Suho, there's someone in this castle that is assisting this rebellion group."

I kept my eyes on the table. Even though Sehun knew about the leak, I knew he didn't know I was having Baekhyun investigate him specifically. 

Whatever my brother was doing, I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"That's why I hired a specialty group." Sehun continued.

"You did what?" I asked.

He smiled. "I hired some individuals who are trained in investigating conspiracies. They should be arriving any minute."

I rubbed my tongue against my teeth. I didn't like the idea of Sehun overseeing an investigation group. I couldn't give him control like that. Whoever he hired, I needed to make sure they answered to me instead of him. My charms had gotten me lots of places. They couldn't fail me now.

There was a few more minutes of debate between my advisors before we were interrupted.

"Your guests have arrived, Prince Sehun." one of the guards said.

Sehun grinned. "Good, good. Bring them in for me."

He turned back to me. "You'll be interested to know, Jimin, that the lead of this group is an old friend of yours. I'm sure it'll be nice to work side by side with someone you're on good terms with."

I rattled through all the old friends I could think of in my head. None came to mind. And with the smirk on Sehun's face, I knew it couldn't be good.

The doors swung open. A group of four people walked through. Three of them I didn't recognize, but at the head of the group was a woman in all black, her long dark hair pulled into a loose ponytail. She smiled with blood red lipstick that I remembered quite clearly.

My stomach dropped.

God. Not her.

This was bad. 


A/N: Thanks for all the well wishes! I'm actually even sicker now, and on a crazy amount of medication to knock it out. I also just got friend-zoned by my crush, so this isn't my week. But I hope you enjoy the update!

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