Ch 10 - His POV - Shots

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Hands wrapped around my collar, then I felt the ground. Y/N's eyes bore into mine as she landed on top of me.


I rolled over, trapping her between me and the wall. Her hands clasped onto my shirt as I pressed in hard against her.

The gunshots ended, but there were still people screaming. People I had just been talking to a moment ago.

My people.

Hands grabbed both of us and pulled us into the backseat of a car.

"Heads down, Your Majesties." Suho said, coming in behind us.

I wrapped my arm around Y/N's head and pulled her down against the seat with me. She panted against me.

"Jimin, are you -"

"I'm okay. Are you hurt?"

She shook her head. My fingers curled in her hair as the car took off.

"Get us back to the suite, Suho."

"Yes, Sir."

The car pulled into the hotel. Suho and the rest of our men jumped out of the car first, then covered us as we went inside.

"Suho," I called, after we had arrived to the room. "Get to the conference room and put Baekhyun on the line. And put double the guards on Y/N."

She shook her head. "You need -"

"It's my command."

Her eyes trembled. Looking over every inch of her, I didn't see anything wrong, but ... the thought that something could have happened to her...

I took her face in my hands. "Are you really all right?"

She looked at me, her hands coming up to meet mine. Her fingertips rubbed against the back of my hands.

There were those eyes again. Those scared, vulnerable eyes...

Just like last night when she asked me to hold her.

Suddenly I regretted not doing it.

"Y/N, I -"

"Please come with me, Your Majesty." Suho said, motioning for me.

I nodded to him, then turned back to Y/N. Her hands tightened on mine.

"It's okay." I assured her. "The men are here to protect you. I'll be back in just a few minutes."

She bit her lip, nodding and letting me go. Her hands clasped to her elbows as I followed Suho to the conference room.

Her hands were the only thing I could think about as we walked.

Those hands threw me down and covered me when the shots went off.

Why would she do that? I've ruined her life, haven't I? And yet she still tried to protect me?

That wouldn't happen again. I wouldn't allow it.

I was going to take care of this and protect her. Not the other way around.

"Jesus, Prince Jimin, are you okay?" Baekhyun said over the monitor as I stepped into the conference room.

I smiled as best I could. "Of course, Baekhyun. You know I'm impenetrable."

He sighed. "And Princess Y/N?"

I nodded. He sighed again.

"Tell me what you got." I said.

"Not much. I've been going back and forth with security and the police force on the island. They haven't -- Wait, hold on."

He brought up a second screen, showing the head of the police department. He bowed.

"Your Majesty."

"Any information for us, Captain?" Baekhyun asked.

"We found something interesting on the CCTVs. Take a look."

The screen changed from split screen to a full black and white screen. There was a crowd of people standing facing one direction. At Y/N and me, it looked like. A few people walked past, then the everyone in the crowd scattered.

"Did you see it?"

"No." I admitted. "What am I looking for?"

"I'll replay it. Look at the man on the far right."

The video played again. At the corner of the screen, a man walked past. His hand dropped and everyone scattered.

"What does it mean?"

The captain's face came back on the screen. "We think it's the gunman. But his arm was pointing down, meaning..."

"Blanks?" Baekhyun asked.

The captain nodded. "He didn't have a target."

I inhaled. "Warning shots."

"The same people from the underground rebellion, probably." Suho commented. "Sir, in light of this -"

I rose my hand before he could finish. I knew what he was going to say. "We'll continue with the crowning ceremony."

"That's quite a risk -"

"It's more of a risk if I don't do it." I said.

Something hit me.

"Baekhyun." I said. "This underground group had blueprints of the castle, didn't they?"

He nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"I want you to check any activity that has happened in the castle in the past six months. Everything."

"We checked it all ready, Sir. Nothing came up."

"Did you check the royal family?"

I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

Baekhyun was the only one unfazed. "Anyone you had in mind?"

I gritted my teeth as my brother's face flashed through my mind.

"I have one idea."




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