Chapter 6.5 - Frienemies

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Suho clasped his hands in front of him, smiling. Guarding the prince and princess on their honeymoon wasn't the most exciting job, but it was better than staring at those horrible monitors all day. Not to mention, he was at the beach. Maybe once he got off his shift he could go get a margarita at the bar, talk up a cute foreign girl...

"Suho! Long time no see."

Suho snapped out of his fantasy, looking over to the familiar voice off to the side.

Ugh. Chanyeol.

"Why, Chanyeol!" Suho exclaimed, forcing a smile and reaching out a hand. "It's been awhile."

Chanyeol nodded, completely ignoring the hand Suho held out for him. "They finally let you out of that dungeon, eh?"

Suho's smile faltered a little, but he brought it back up.

"Surveillance is a very important part of the job, you know." he said.

"Is it? Ah, it's a shame I don't have more time to do it then. Prince Jungkook always keeps us so busy with his international travel. The week before last, we were in Milan. The week before that, Paris. At least I can say I'm up with the latest fashion trends, eh?"

Chanyeol patted him on the shoulder and they laughed, both knowing neither one meant it.

"It's amazing to see how our lives have turned out, isn't it?" Chanyeol continued. "Both of us became captain of the guards to royal families, yet look how differently we live."

"Ah, yes." Suho agreed. "Now that you mention it, our lives are both incredibly successful in different ways."

Honestly, he was running out of things to reply whenever Chanyeol said this. Every time they met.

"So tell me. Anything interesting in those surveillance chores of yours?"

Suho grimaced at the word chores.

"Why, yes! It's quite a lot to keep up with." he replied. "Just this week we had to chase out some unwelcome house guests."

Chickens, mainly.

"...And we had to remove a suspicious character from the grounds..."

A senile old man who thought the castle was his house.

"We also found some alarming correspondence..."

Before Suho could finish, his walkie talkie went off.

"Suho? Suho! Are you there? We need your help."

Suho gave a wide smile. "Look at that! It looks like my crew needs me. Sorry to cut this short, Chanyeol. You know how it goes."

"Of course, of course. Please, take it."

Suho brought his walkie talkie to his lips. "Go, Baekhyun."

"We're trying to decide on lunch. Is the kimchi from Mr. Wang's really spicy?"

Suho caught Chanyeol's smirk as he turned and walked away.

"Dammit, Baekhyun! Don't call me about lunch choices!"

"Sorry! I only asked cause it seemed like a favorite of yours."

Suho sighed. "Is that really all you called for?"

"No. Actually, I have something you'll want to know about. We found some more information regarding the vandalism on the garden wall."

"Well why didn't you start with – oh, nevermind. What did you find?"

"A lot, actually. And I think you'll want to tell His Majesty right away."

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