Ch 23.5 - Deals

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"An heir? Are you sure?"

Chaneyol nodded. "Yes, Prince Sehun. He said it with his own lips."

Sehun shifted his weight to one foot, cradling his jaw in his hand while thinking. "That would be a problem, wouldn't it?"

"I don't think it'll be much of a problem." Chanyeol replied. "Not after this, anyhow."

He pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket and handed it to the prince. Sehun lifted an eyebrow, opening the flap and peeking at the contents.

He grinned ear to ear.

"You spoil me, Chanyeol."

With a shrug and grin, Chanyeol gave a slight bow. "Anything for you, my prince."

"Your current prince hasn't caught on to your disloyalty?"

"Disloyalty? I wouldn't dream of it. Prince Jungkook is an excellent employer. But if there's to be a king in this current kingdom, it's you, Prince Sehun."

Sehun held up the envelope. "Your employer will be in trouble after this gets out."

"Prince Jungkook isn't king. It will harm his reputation for a moment. However, I don't think he'll be the focus anyways. He's not the one who just got married." Chanyeol then paused, leaning forward. "Also, between you and me, I'm thinking of looking for other employment."

The corner of Sehun's lip curled up, nodding. "I may have a recommendation in mind, should this be successful."

Chanyoel laughed. "With my help, Your Majesty, I have no doubt that it will be."

"You're arrogant, but..." Sehun waved the envelope. "I can't argue with the evidence."

Chanyeol bowed. "I must be on my way, Your Majesty. Please let me know if I can offer any other assistance."

Sehun nodded, turning back to his envelope, smiling like a child with a new toy.

Chanyeol turned the corner, straightening his jacket and licking his lips. It was a shame Prince Jungkook was going to get blasted for this. He really was a good employer. But business was business.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're making deals with the devil, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol turned around to Suho's comforting scowl. He couldn't help but smile.

"I don't need to make any deals." Chanyeol replied. "I'm quite sufficient on my own. But I can make some calls if you need some help getting up that ladder, Suho."

Suho narrowed his eyes. "The Park family is my responsibility. The Kim family is yours." He stopped, chuckling. "Oh, that's right. You're only the guard for the youngest prince. Not the king. My mistake."

Chanyeol sucked in his cheek.

"So why would you be speaking with Prince Sehun?" Suho asked.

"Prince Jungkook asked me to assist with the investigation. If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself if you'd like."

"I might have to. It might prove interesting to check your background and see if it leads to anything... incriminating."

Chanyeol hid his smile behind his hand. "Ha! That would be good for you, wouldn't it? Ah, sorry to say, friend. I'm not the one you're looking for."

Suho stepped forward. "It's my job to find out the truth."

"You can find it out if it suits you. It won't change the circumstances."

Chanyeol reached up and straightened the gold medal pinned to Suho's chest. Suho's hands gripped into fists at his sides.

"The truth will always be the same for you and me, Suho."

Suho gritted his teeth. "And what is that?"

Chanyeol walked backwards, smiling. "Only one of us will have success in the end."

A/N: Sorry for the late update, guys! Work has drained the life out of me recently. I have most of the story outlined, so I'll work on updating earlier this week. Thanks for liking the story!

Also, this gif of Sehun. Dang. 

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