Ch 22.5 - Accidents

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"No you don't!"

Hanna shoved Jungkook back, refusing to let him go after Y/N as Jimin pulled her away. She kept shoving him, sending him further across the courtyard, further away from both of them. 

"How can you be like this?" she asked. She swung at his face. He grabbed her arm, blocking the hit.

"I could ask you the same question!" he returned. "Why are you so violent when you drink?"

She hit his chest with a closed fist. "You're so stupid."

He pulled her arm in and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "I'm getting really sick of you, Hanna."

"Yeah? I'm sick of you! Are you happy with yourself now? Look at all the problems you caused!"

"Stop getting involved!"

"I have to be involved!"

"Why, huh? Why is it so important to you?"

"Because I –" She stopped. "Because Y/N's my cousin! Why do you think! Don't make assumptions!"

She reached up and smacked the back of his head. He stumbled, grunting as he dropped her on a bench.

"You're such a pain." he grumbled. "Just stay here."

Hanna grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him back. "I just saved you! Don't go back now. Jimin's going to beat the hell out of you."

"I'll be happy to fight him."

"There's no way to win this fight, Jungkook. Give it up."

He twisted out of her grasp. "I can't watch Y/N be miserable like this."

Hanna bolted from the bench, standing in front of him.

"Do you want Y/N to be happy?" she asked. "Or do you want her to be with you?"

Jungkook's eyes flickered, but he didn't answer.

"There's a difference, Jungkook." Hanna added. "Don't fool yourself into thinking it's the same thing."

"I don't need your lectures. Just stay out of my way."

He turned to walk away, but Hanna reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Stop doing this to yourself!"

Jungkook spun back to her. "Doing what!"

"I warned you! You're both going to get hurt this way! Let her go, Kookie."

Jungkook gritted his teeth. "Let me go."

He ripped his arm out of her hold, snapping it forward.


Jungkook's eyes widened. Hanna brought the back of her hand to her cheek. The corners of her eyes trembled as she looked at him.

His hand was stinging.

His heart seized.

"I didn't realize you were that type of person." she whispered. She rubbed her hand against her face.

He swallowed, shaking his head. "It was an accident, Hanna. I swear. I didn't mean –"

He reached out to her to look at the damage, but she pulled away. She sniffed, quickly rubbing away an escaped tear.

Jungkook froze. He'd never seen her cry. Not once. Hanna caused trouble. She ran her mouth without thinking. She drank too much and put people in headlocks.

But she didn't cry.

"Please, Hanna..."

Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Just stay away from us."

She turned and ran down the hallway.

"Wait! Hanna!"

He ran after her. The hallways were dark, and he didn't know them. The hall he followed opened to a large foyer, but he couldn't see her. He yelled her name one more time.


How can you run so fast after drinking?

Panting, he looked down at his hand. It still stung. He started to shake.

I'm not like that. I'll never be like that.  

"It was an accident, I swear..." he whispered to himself.

He ran down the foyer, calling her name.  

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