Ch 41 - Your POV - Mine

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The reporters flooded the room. Sehun smiled.

I had no intentions to run. Every fiber of my being wanted to be with Jimin, but Sehun had been a threat since the very beginning. He was the reason Jimin and I had to marry in the first place.

I hadn't done anything to protect my husband. This was my chance.

"You wanted to address the media," Sehun whispered next to me. "Here's your chance."

He smirked. I gave a fake smile in return, clasping my shaking fingers.

It began.

"It seems there has been some concerning rumors circulating recently," Sehun said. "While my brother addresses the current riots, the queen and I would like to respond to any questions the media may have."

He took their questions, each one more cutthroat than the previous.

"What is King Jimin doing to ensure the safety of the people during these riots?"

"What is the current state inside the castle now?"

"Your Majesty, what is your official response to the rumors of your affair with Prince Jungkook?"

The last question annoyed me. I was tired of this topic.

"My official statement is that there is no affair." I said.

"You're aware perjury is a crime, Your Majesty?" the reporter replied.

"Yes," I said, trying to unclench my jaw. "As queen I'm aware of many laws. Including slander."

His face scrunched. He sat down. Another reporter stood up.

"It seems these riots and the attempts on the lives of the royal family have only begun since the time of your marriage. What are your thoughts on this?"

I glanced over at Sehun. I had a feeling the attempts on the crown had been going on longer than that.

"My marriage to Jimin has brought out the wolves," I said. "But they were always there."

I thought I saw Sehun smirk.

"Many of the people are questioning whether or not King Jimin is suited for king." the reporter continued. "His skills in politics don't seem to match with those of his other family members. What is your view, Your Majesty?"

My thoughts were that I wanted to pick up my microphone and throw it across the room at these bunches of blood suckers. But that wasn't going to help Jimin.

Sehun answered before I could. "It's true my brother is more versed in social skills more than in political skills. However, his place as king will never change as long as our country continues in monarchy. If we lived in a democracy, such as our neighboring countries do, the position might be reconsidered."

My head shot sideways to look at him. He kept his face forward, calm and smiling.

So that's what he was trying to do. He wanted to create a new government.

One where he could win popular vote.

One where his entire family would be stripped of power. Except for him.

The crowd murmured.

"Queen Y/N," one of the reporters said to me, "What do you think of this idea?"

I clenched my teeth. If I said that I opposed democracy, that would be saying I opposed the peoples' opinions. If I said I opposed monarchy, that meant I opposed Jimin and his family.

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now