(not a new chapter)

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So a short little story of what happened. I'm going to keep it short and with as little detail as possible because it's a sore spot for me. When I started my wattpad I was doing really good. I was on A.D.D. medication for my ADD and I could focus really well. About a year later I moved and the doctors in my area that my insurence would allow me to see forced me off my meds. I got sick. Without my meds I went through withdrawl and then my thyroid no longer had my meds as a crutch. It underproduced. I got sick. My anxiety and depression reached new levels. Ones that I was not equiped to deal with.

The same doctors that forced me off my meds finally helped me by getting me on meds for my thyroid. I struggled for another year with my mental health. It got bad. Still is. I'm now on anxiety meds. I'm no where near the finish line of this mental health and physical health journey.

But, I certainly have high hopes for my future. I have a good life. A happy home. A good family. A great support system and friends that understand mental health importance. I'm in a good place even though my mental health isn't all that great. It's getting better. I'm getting better. Slowly.

The only thing is that I'm a little afraid that my writing abilities are a bit sluggish. My ADD is really hard to deal with off of medication. I forget words sometimes in the middle of my sentences and I can't hold a line of thought for long anymore. My memory is pretty much a joke now. But I am not going to give up on my dream. I'm going to keep writing. No mater what.

Sorry that this isn't a new chapter. I am going to try to update this story soon. Please be patient. Thank you for listening. 

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