22 What's Next

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Marissa stood up and held her head up high. She knew the man getting up out of the booth wanted her. She knew he was not the only one of them that was wanting. But they were both adults. The structure of the BDSM lifestyle called for certain steps to be taken.

She started to walk to the bar but then stopped and turned around looking up into those curious blue eyes. "So how do we go about this? We both want certain things. What are the next steps?" She challenged him with an arched brow and her hand on her hip.

His lips pulled slowly into a slanted smirk. "The next steps... well you keep learning safely with Danny and we start to become friends."

That last part caught her attention. She tilted her head a bit and asked. "You become friends with all potential submissives?"

"I do when they are my potential subs." He said it so matter of fact that she didn't know how to react. He noticed her confusion and continued with a nod. "It's a personal preference. I would rather be with a person I am close to like a friend and build the relationship up from there. Every relationship starts with a foundation. I feel the more healthy relationships start with friendship."

Marissa frowned a bit and tried not to feel rejected. "Are you sure you're not just friendzoning me?" She asked with a little chuckle trying to hide how insecure she was about this.

Demitri shook his head and told her very seriously "I have taken myself off the market as of last week. I am very invested in being your possible Dominant. I would also like to be your friend. I am a bit soft as a dominant. Or at least that is what most of the other Dom's tell me." He chuckled and shrugged. "I want to make you smile and laugh as well as moan and scream in pleasure." He gave her a playful wink.

She smiled then and couldn't help a little chuckle. "Well then." She nodded. "Friends."

They headed to the bar and talked for another half an hour sipping on their drinks and it was nice. Marissa smiled and laughed at some points of the stories about Demitri's little brother and his antics. Marissa talked of her mother and her aunt and her life growing up. Demitri talked of his own mother and his little brother the dare devil. He spoke of his construction company and that was when Marissa got quiet.

"Was it something I said?" Demitri asked under his breath as the music lulled.

Marissa forced a smile and shook her head "No. It's just... I'm a bit lost at the moment when it comes to careers. I..." She didn't even notice she was rubbing her scar. "I recently had a bit of a change that ... derailed the plan for my life."

Demitri watched her and nodded. "Was it your plan?" That made a bittersweet smile cross Marissa's lips. "It's just the way you spoke. It didn't seem like it was your plan."

Marissa shook her head. "I thought it was. Now a days I think it was someone else's plan from the start and I never really questioned it. Which might be why I'm lost."

Demitri nodded then. "You feel like you have no direction."

"Yeah. Pretty much." Marissa shrugged then. "Not very interesting."

"I think it's very interesting. You have so many possibilities open to you. You are smart and capable. You will find your way." Demitri said it like there was not a doubt in his mind that she really would be okay.

It made Marissa smile. Maybe she could do this.

(sorry for being away so long everyone!)

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