10 Demetri In Trouble

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Demetri stood in the main office waiting. His suit jacket folded on the bench and his white button up open and ready to take off if he was asked to. He waited for the others to come back from the Dungeon. Apparently Malcolm had stayed in the dungeon all night and day helping a injured Sub to recover after a bad scene with some Doms that went to far.

Demetri had been there at the end to watch Malcolm punish the fuckers for hurting a Sub in his Dungeon. Two of the offenders had been banned from the club permanently and one was given a chance to come back after 3 months and then be retrained my the Dungeon Master himself.

Demetri had watched as Malcolm had used his bull whip to teach the offenders a lesson. Saw the lashes left on their backs. He watched as the last man stood on his own power and took his lashes to be corrected for what they had done.

Demetri stood and wondered silently if he was going to be taking lashes for his own breaking of the rules here at the club. Would he carry scars for touching Marissa?

His eyes closed for a moment as he remembered holding her close as she had slipped and brushing his fingers across her cheek softly. The look in her bright green eyes was like the sweetest shot of Bourbon. It burned through him and intoxicated his senses and filled him with a warmth and a wanting he'd never experienced. What was it about her?

He pulled himself out of his own memories and frowned at his own thoughts. He needed to stop thinking about her. Here he was about to get punished because he was letting himself slip.

A Dominant had to always have control over himself before he could ask for control over another. So he needed to cowboy the fuck up and get his head straight.

The door opened and he looked up ready for what was to come.

Except when Marissa walked in behind Malcolm and Blithe. Her eyes went wide as they took in his state of undress. He stood in his slacks and his open white button up with no shoes or socks. His body instantly wanted her. It was like a instinctual attraction that he'd never felt before. At first he was excited to see the woman standing there with those bright green eyes filled with confusion and worry as well as arousal.

Until his eyes flicker over to Malcolm and he realizes that she was here to observe his punishment. His pride shriveled up and he for a moment he thought of saying no. That he wouldn't take the punishment in front of the woman he had touched.

In that painful moment he saw Blithe and Malcolm wait for him to either accept the punishment or to go back against his word.

With a silent snarl he turned and looked ahead of him ready to take the brunt of Malcolm's bull whip.

"Isn't this a bit... Barbaric? He didn't hurt me or make any kind of sexual pass at me at all. He doesn't deserve this." Marissa's confused reply filled his chest with a different kind of pain.

"No..." Demetri shook his head and slipped off his shirt and tossed it over the bench where his jacket lay. "I touched you and pursued you outside of the club. I deserve the punishment."

"But I-" Marissa started to speak again and he looked over catching her gaze and shook his head slowly. Biting her lip he could see her recoil from the very idea of someone being punished because of anything to do with her.

He wanted to help her understand. "If you want to accept this life and those of us in it. You need to give our rules respect. Punishments are given to correct behavior. I need to take this punishment Marissa."

Demetri watched as Marissa's face went pink then turned pale as she nodded slowly.

Turning again to face the desk he stood ready.

After what seemed like long drawn out moments there was the sound of rustling then a loud crack and the burning sting across his shoulderblades caused him to tense up. He heard a gasp that had to be Marissa and then he stood ready again.

Another crack and a burning slash across his spine. This one caused his feet to stumble forwards for a second before he found his footing again. Standing up straight he felt his own nails biting into his own palms.


The white hot lash across his left shoulder down to his right hip caused his mouth to open in a pained groan. He could barely hear his own pained noise as the blood was pounding in his ears as he stood ready again. He felt sweat beading across his brow.

Then there were hands on him. A cool wet dissinfectant cloth cleaning across his back as Malcolm cleaned him up.

"You did good Verris. I gave you one lash for following her one for speaking to her and one for touching her. If you break another rule I'll bring you down into my dungeon for an entire night." Malcolm spoke clearly as he deftly finished cleaning the wounds on his back and then put the antibacterial cream on. When he was finished he put gauze over the lashes then taped his back up. "Keep them clean Verris."

Demetri took a deep breath and nodded. Blithe was on the other side of him touching her favorite cattle prod. "If you hurt my niece... I'll take you into my private room and introduce you to my favorite toys." There was a cold threat that was completely honest in the whispered words of the club owner as she gave him a level stare.

"Yes Mistress Blithe." Demetri nodded and stood up straight as Malcolm walked out of the room mumbling something about Reese waiting for him.

When Demetri turned around Marissa was holding his white button up in her hands. She looked tense and confused and upset. She slowly reached out holding the shirt out for him. "I'm sorry." Her whisper was so quiet he nearly missed it as he took his shirt.

"No Mishka. Nothing that just happened was your fault. I made the choice to break the rules. I also chose to take my punishment. It's over now, I can start with a new slate." Demetri slipped his shirt on and had to bite his cheek to keep from hissing in pain.

"Mr. Verris you can return in a week. Just in time for the rope convention on Saturday." Blithe spoke and broke them out of their little conversation.

Nodding and slowly buttoning his shirt he let his eyes watch Marissa from underneath his lashes.

"Rissa, Deary, is Danny bringing you on Saturday still?" Blithe asked as she leaned back in her chair looking over a stack of papers.

"I-um... Yes..."

"Wonderful Deary. Just wonderful. See you then." Blithe smiled at her favorite niece and then leveled a gaze at Demetri and arched a brow. "Have a good day Mr. Verris."

Nodding Demetri slipped on his shoes and then let his eyes fall over Marissa who was biting her bottom lip and watching him with her arms wrapped around herself as if holding herself together.

He already wished it was his arms around her. Forcing himself to walk out the door he knew one thing for certain. He was in trouble.


She is not wearing a red card necklace today so he was able to talk to her.

*skips off to eat skittles*

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