3 Danny

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Marissa turned her attention to the blonde bar tender who was serving drinks and smiling at everyone. He seemed very approachable. He wore a silver collar like the other employees. The ones that said Playroom on them.

His hair was in that perfect raked back bed head style and his eyes were care free and he seemed very sweet even though his biceps were quite solid looking and his torso was well defined. The first look at him and in her naïve mind she wondered exactly why a man with such obvious strength would put himself in the place of submissive.

She forgot about even ordering a drink and just watched him for a moment. Even they mysterious smirking man had been forgotten as she observed the bartender.

Tall. Built. Strong. So... why? She wondered exactly what he got out of being a submissive.

His bright eyes caught her looking at him and he flashed a bright smile and walked over to her place at the bar and asked, "Hi there Welcome to the Playroom. Would you like a drink?"

For a second his kind and carefree smile had made her actually smile back at him on reflex. He was kind of cute upclose. Younger than she expected he was. "Actually yes. Could I just get a rum and coke please?" She wanted to be polite to him. She wasn't exactly sure how things were in this place. So she would just play it safe.

"Rum and coke, coming right up. Oh you're Blithes niece right? Uh, Maranda?" Danny asked as he poured the drink and put it up on the bar for her.

With a little smirk and a nod. "Marissa. But yeah that is me. Did she talk about me to everyone here? That's kind of embarrassing." A nervous chuckle slipped past her lips as she felt a bit of heat warm her cheeks up.

"Nah. It aint like that. She wanted to make sure that all the employee's here knew to be extra polite and nice to you. Blithe made it very obvious that you are her favorite person in the whole world." He smiled and gave a little laugh. "My name is Danny by the way. If you need anything just come over and I will try to make or get it for you."

She nodded and sipped her drink and enjoyed the slight warmth that spread through her as she sipped at it. "Thank you Danny. That is sweet of you." Then after Danny served a few drinks to the servers the bar was slowing down because most of the people were out on the dancefloor or somewhere else. So Marissa asked Danny the question that had her chewing her lip for the last few minutes. "Uh, Danny... Can I ask... Why are you a submissive? Like what draws you to this life?"

Danny laughed under his breath and his bright eyes sparkle with amusement. "Oh that ol' question. Well first off I should say that if you asked that question to everyone in this place you'd probably get a different answer from each one. It's not like everyone comes into this life for the same reason."

Marissa blushed again as she fiddled with the chain around her neck the tags clinking together. "Right... It must be very personal. Sorry if I offended you."

Danny shook his head giving her a easy smile and chuckled. "You didn't offend me Marissa. Believe me. It is just a question a lot of vanilla people or people interested in this life ask. So I am used to it. It is pretty simple for me. I like being able to trust someone enough to give control over to them. It is really nice to just stop all the worrying and stressing about everything for a while and just feel. Just follow a simple command. The clarity of it is simple and freeing."

Her brows scrunch together as she asked "Freeing? It feels freeing to be someones slave?" She was confused now.

Danny's smile turned a little sharper and he nodded. "Well, I am not a slave. That is different than a submissive. I am a Submissive. I keep the power. The power to refuse to submit. Anyway that is a whole different conversation. Lets focus on what you asked first." Danny leaned against the bar since no one was asking for a drink as he explained.

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