20 In Too Deep Already

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Dimitri watched her closely. The way she would tense and gasp softly covering her mouth to keep her gasps quiet and the sweet pink flush overtaking her cheeks and even her neck as she watched Bastian and Randy on the main stage.

The way she bit her lip and the way her skin would tingle with goosebumps. She was breathtaking. She was something he'd not come across in many years... no... he'd never come across a woman or man like Marissa.

She was like a puzzle to learn all the edges and where they fit together. All coming together to create an amazing work of art.

The way she had touched him. Just a soft touch to his hand. But it had been his undoing. The soft caress of her soft fingertips across the back of his hand, sliding across the back of his knuckles.

He was craving more. He was having to hold himself back from reaching out to feel that soft skin against his own again. Her responses to the scene playing out onstage was only teasing his hunger to a ravenous state.

What would she look like looking at him like that? Would her eyes be bright or would they darken with lust? Would her mouth fall open only to spill her moans into the air or would she gasp and hold back her beautiful noises. Would he have to work harder to make her tremble and shiver and shudder with release or would she fall into subspace like a natural?

In a room filled with people enraptured with the vision on stage he sat and watched the woman in front of him lose herself to what she was witnessing.

He was a goner. He knew it. He had known it the second she had sat down at the bar a few seats down from him. He had tried to keep himself in check but he was, without a doubt, in too deep already.

Sighing softly and shaking his head at himself he continued to watch Marissa and ache for her. He knew one thing. He would be the Dom to take care of her. The one to lead her patiently into the world of BDSM. He wanted to the one to touch her creamy skin he wanted to be the one to holding her at night. He wanted to be the one to guide her into and back out of Subspace and see just how it affects her.

He hadn't realized that the scene was over until her eyes found him and he felt a deep aching hunger thrum inside him as he noticed just how dilated her pupils were. Her eyes were like a primordial forest under the darkness of a clear night with a sky full of starlight.

"That was intense." Her voice shook slightly at first and she took another sip of her drink as she tried to get a handle on her reactions.

"Ty tak krasiva.(You are so beautiful)." Dimitri hadn't meant to let it slip but it did. It was out of his mouth before he could control himself. But that one slip on his control had the best of effects on the beauty before him.

Her cheeks stained a deeper shade of pink and a smile pulled at her full soft lips and a soft surprised laughed escaped her lips as she looked away.

He wanted to hear that laugh more. He smiled his slanted one sided smirk at her and sipped his bourbon.

The burn of the bourbon couldn't touch the searing ache he felt for Marissa.  

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