2 Informative... Ocean Blues

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The club was actually nothing what she had expected. She expected ... well sex and stuff. But it was nice. Relaxed. She felt... it was a little confusing how safe she felt sitting at a table full of Dominants. They weren't looking at her like a piece of meat. Not like she had expected. Not that she was anything to gawk at. But sadly she had half expected everyone there to be sex craving deviants.

Now she felt badly for putting judgments on these people. There was an air of sexual tension but it was nothing as bad as she had worried about.

She asked a few more questions and they were answered respectfully. No one asked her any questions. No one pushed into her personal space. Everyone was very patient with her. They did not treat her as someone lower than themselves.

It was nice. She started to smile more during the night. No one put any expectations on her. No one told her what to think either.

Often the Doms would tell her that in order to understand this lifestyle one had to experience it for themselves. Those that thought it was about abuse were dead wrong.

The discussion got heated when Abuse was brought up.

"This life is not about abuse. It's not about tearing someone apart or breaking them. It is about exploring yourself finding pleasure in things that are on the edge of societies moral structure." Isaac sighed as he watched the younger Doms at the table become a little hot under the collar, so to speak.

Mistress Penny flipped her hair and threw in her two cents on the subject. "Don't get us wrong. Some of us are into the more... extreme side of BDSM. But we are always Safe, Sane and Consensual. We would never take was not offered to us. Nor would we bring anyone pain of any kind if that was not what they wanted. We are not here to force every submissive to become a slave. We are here to keep everyone safe and still have a good time as they explore their desires, however dark or socially unacceptable those desires are."

Master Malcolm's eyes slid from watching Penny to locking with Marissa's gaze. "There is always a chance of something going wrong. That is why it takes so long for Dominants to become trained in the safety protocols. If a Dominant doesn't put their Submissives safety first... then they are not a real Dominant. They are just abusive assholes that fake it. There are a lot of dangers that subs have to face out there. And Fake Dominants are a huge one."

Marissa sat up a little straighter as her brows furrow. "What do you mean Fake Dominant? What kind of dangers?"

Master Malcolm looked from her to Blithe as if wondering if he should go on. Blithe's smile was gone as she nodded slowly as sipped her drink. Malcolm let his eyes rest on Marissa again. "Fake Dominants are Men or Women that label themselves as a Dom but in truth they are actually abusers, rapists, and very dangerous people. They call themselves Doms but they care nothing for the safety of a submissive. They will simply use them. Fake dominants don't care if you Safe Word. They will continue with a scene and ignore the Submissive's safeword. Which is the biggest rule we have in this life. You stop when a Submissive says their safe word. If you continue then it is Rape or Assault depending on what you are doing."

Marissa felt fear rise up inside her chest as her stomach turned at the thought. Her hand covered her mouth. "My God that is horrible... p-people do that?"

Master Derek nodded and added. "Yes. It is dangerous for Submissives to submit to an untrustworthy Dom. Or one they don't know. They could be seriously hurt or damaged." Derek's fingers curl slowly into a fist. "Some fakes even try to manipulate Subs into becoming little more than whores to be pimped out. Those fuckers make me sick." Derek's body was tense and his voice was a deep disgusted growl.

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