19 Sadist Lover

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Malcolm was on one of his breaks for the night. He stood in the back of the scene room, simply drinking water and watching the scene on the stage.

There was no way he would miss Bastian coming onstage with his little sub Randy. Bastian had taught him how to be a responsible Dominant as well as helped him navigate the beginning of his journey as a Sadist.

The man on stage looked like Master Bastian but...

Malcolm watched as Bastian touched Randy with a reverence that Malcolm wanted to understand. As the entire room filled up to watch Bastian and Randy the room went into a hush that couldn't be touched. It was just understood that when Bastian was on stage you shut the fuck up.

But Bastian wasn't looking at the crowd. His eyes never leave Randy who stood in boxer briefs as Bastian slowly tied his wrists with the kind of rope that wouldn't leave a mark on Randy's skin.

Malcolm watched as Bastian slowly connected Randy's wrist bonds up to the hook that was hung from a rafter above the stage. He then ran his hands up and down Randy's back and leaned into him. It was obvious to Malcolm that Bastian was being careful to keep Randy with him mentally and not let him drop.

Mal was distracted by one of the subs trying to come and ask if he wanted any more water. Mal just lifted one lip in a snarl in answer. The little sub scampered off and he focused again.

By this time Randy was wearing a blindfold. Bastian was talking to Randy quietly while he moved around him.

Malcolm watched the technical skills of Bastian's every move. Watched the way he kept contact nearly every moment with Randy so that the sub would not be triggered. He watched with keen eyes as Bastian waited for his submissive to nod his consent one last time before moving back behind him with the flogger.

The room was silent except for the soft sounds of bated breaths and clinking of glasses and ice. Of soft gasps and leather tightening.

The room was at rapt attention and all respect and attention was given to two of the clubs most beloved members.

The first arc of the flogger sounded with a soft whistling and loud crack across Randy's rounded cheeks.

Malcolm was not shocked to see Bastian check on Randy after the first strike. The way he ran his fingers through his hair and caressed his skin down to his ass softly kneading across his strike was shocking to the seasoned Sadist. The soft gentle touch of his mentor to the spunky little bartender caused Malcolm to arch a brow and watch just a little closer from his place in the back of the room.

Randy leaned into Bastian and whimpered softly something Malcolm couldn't catch this far away. But it seemed to answer whatever question the previous king of the dungeon had asked.

Bastian stepped back again and slid the flogger through his hand and with a simple yet perfect flick of his wrist the flogger seemed to come to life and bit across Randy's ass again.

The little sub arched up onto his tiptoes. A gasp wrung from him. Bastian's attention was fully on the sub in his care. So it only took less than a heartbeat for his wrist to flick the other way to bring the flogger across his other cheek.

The soft breathy moan seemed to echo across the room.

Malcolm then heard something he had never heard before.

"That's my boy. Look at how beautiful you are... You deserve to feel good like this my boy." Bastian's deep rumble filled the room and it silenced every breath and every sound. It froze the servers in their tracks. It made Malcolm nearly drop his glass of water.

A beautiful flush bloomed across Randy's cheeks and started to travel down his neck.

Dominants and Subs that were sitting in the back slowly stand and start to quietly walk closer to the stage.

The flogger whistles through the air again and it thwacks across Randy's back with a wicked crack and the boy's back arches but another groan stutters from behind those clenched lips.

Bastian reached out and softly caresses the red marks across his back and then leans down and kisses them and growls deep and loud. "Mine."

This causes a shuddering moan to tremble through Randy. Malcolm abandons his post up against the wall and walks his way up to the edge of the stage.

Bastian is biting across Randy's shoulders and back of his neck enough to make red marks. Randy is trembling and whimpering as Bastian growls praise into the nape of his neck.

"My beautiful boy. So fucking beautiful. Mine. All mine you gorgeous fucking sweetness." Bastian's hand comes around Randy's torso and scrape across his abs leaving red marks blooming across his soft skin.

A guttural moan ripped from Randy and Malcolm could hear soft whimpers from some of the subs around the stage.

Bastian stepped back and the flogger arched through the air like lightning and began to work across the little sub's back over and over in a slow and steady rhythm. Each strike followed by Bastian's reverent praise of his submissive.

All club members that had ever interact with Bastian were watching in shock and awe. The unfeeling Dungeon Master was not only praising a Sub as if he was a precious treasure but he was also looking at Randy as if he was an Angel come down to earth to be his salvation.

Each crack of the flogger across Randy's back created pretty red and pink trails. And each time Randy was moaning and arching and slowly relaxing more and more into the wrist cuffs. Eventually Randy was flying high in Subspace as he hung completely limp and his mouth was slack and skin was pink with a flush of pleasure echoed by the bulge in his briefs.

Malcolm watched in what felt like a moment frozen in time as Bastian walked around Randy slowly touching him softly speaking to him in his husky deep growl about how beautiful Randy is and how he was safe and how he deserved to feel good like this.

Malcolm realized that he had never seen the true Bastian until this moment. Until he watched as he reverently caressed Randy's body and pressed against him front to back and started to rub his palm against Randy's bulge.

Gripping him and slowly stroking him causing Randy to slowly come back from sub space only to return on the edge of a building orgasm. Bastian ground himself against his subs ass as he slid his hand down into his briefs and kissed licked and bit across his shoulders growling deeply his need for Randy.

Malcolm watched the ecstasy explode from within Randy and who was moaning Bastian's name over and over as he was over taken by his orgasm.

Bastian was smiling.

Bastian was smiling. Full on smiling. He picked his sub up and uncuffed him and gathered him into his arms and kissed Randy deep and lovingly right there on stage and professed loudly "I love you boy I fucking love you! I love you so goddamn much!"

Malcolm felt something warm inside him as he watched Randy smile and tears of relief and love stream down his cheeks as he whispered his love back to his lover and Dom.

As they walked off stage to the after care rooms Malcolm stood in a state of utter shock. He didn't know how to process the scene he had just watched.

He was happy for his Mentor. He knew that. But he was also lost. Lost because he just watched a men he knew for years and felt like he had never truly known him.

Was that what love did to a man? Did it change him? Did it take him and mold him into someone the mirror would not recognize? If so...

Scowling he felt his jaw clench. He wanted nothing to do with it.


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