12 Yuri To The Rescue

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Dimitri sat on the couch shirtless waiting for Yuri to get there. His little brother was used to fixing up some of his scrapes when he couldn't do it himself.

Yuri came in with a big grin and tossed his helmet onto the couch beside Dimitri. "Privet brat." –Hello brother.- "Vy Posmotrite, kak u vas byl plokhoy den'. " –You look like you had a bad day.- Then he clapped his hands together. "Where is the first aid kit?" He asked in english as he ran his fingers through his long dark hair that fell in a windswept tangle around his shoulders.

"Privet brat." –Hello Brother- Dimitri groaned as he pointed to the first aid kit on the coffee table a foot to his left. "Hope I didn't pull you away from anything fun Brat." –Brother-

Yuri's dark inky eyes sparkled with mischief as he chuckled and unzipped his racing motorcycle jacket and slipped it off letting it fall to the floor. "I always have fun brat. So of course you did. But don't worry, I will forgive you." Grabbing up the first aid kit he went behind the couch and looked over his brothers back and the bright light in his eyes clicked off. He went still and stared at the slashes across his big brother's back. There was a heavy silence.

Dimitri watched his brother in the mirror on the wall infront of him. He watched his dark eyes become inky black pools of potential danger. "U menya yest' metallicheskaya truba. Kto nogi ya sobirayus' razorvat'?" –I have a metal pipe. Who's legs am I going to break.-

Dimitri felt a swell of pride in his brother for always being ready to defend his family without asking any details. Yes it was reckless. Yes it was technically wrong. But he couldn't help but feel lucky that he had a brother so ready to defend him. "Ycpokoytes' brat." –Calm yourself brother.- " I actually volunteered for this. To prove myself. I just need your help because I can't reach them."

Yuri snorts in a scoff and slapped the back of his head. "Durachit." –Fool- Then Yuri took the antibacterial ointment and spread it over the slashes. His brow furrowed and checking to make sure they weren't too deep.

"Being foolish is what got me these brat." Dimitri didn't flinch at all even when a burning sting lanced through his back. It would pass.

"It's your life Dimka." Yuri mumbled Dimitri's nick name and started putting butterfly stitches on the deep parts of the slashes which was on the shoulder in one small spot. The rest were shallow. Just breaking the skin. "I am no one to tell you not to live like you want. But I am not used to seeing you bleed Brat."

Dimitri knew his little brother was worried and understood. He stood when the bandages were put on and he walked into the kitchen with his little brother following him with a pinched worried look on his normally smiling face. Grabbing two beers from the fridge he hands one to Yuri and reaches out pulling his little brother in close for a hug and ruffles his fingers through is long hair. "I am okay Moy Brat." –my brother- "This wont happen again. Not if I have anything to say about it. Nothing happened without my permission. I swear it."

Dimitri felt his brother relax against him after he swore that he wasn't attacked. He felt a sigh of relief puff across his shoulder and his little brother nod. They were only 4 years apart but they were closer than most brothers that were born closer in age. They had to be to keep each other out of trouble while growing up in the Russian part of town.

They kept their noses clean and stayed out of the dark part of life and found other ways to find their thrills. Dimitri found BDSM while Yuri found racing. They were not choir boys but they were not cold thugs. Not like their Uncle had wanted them to be.

Their mother had kept them out of the life and kept them from ever even thinking of getting into the lucrative and dangerous life of crime that the rest of their family seemed drawn to.

"Just be careful brat." Yuri said as he carefully hugged his brother back . Taking the beer they part and stand and take a drink after tapping their beers together.

"Ea hac." –(Russian cheers saying we are the best)-

Smiling now as they take a drink and Dimitri nods to him. "So how is your team? I heard you got 3rd two nights ago."

This pulled Yuri out of his own head and that bright smile and light filled look filled those dark eyes. "Oh yeah we're doing good. Dumfelds knocked me into the fence. If he hadn't cheated I would have won by a mile."

Dimitri smirked and nodded, "I believe you. You always were the fast one. I'm the smart one."

Yuri chuckled and shook his head. "I'm the good looking one. You're the boring one."

"You wish." Dimitri smirked and relaxed with his brother near.

"So who is it this time?" Yuri asked as he sipped his beer smirking.

Dimitri arched a brow in question.

Yuri tilted his head with a knowing look. "The only time you ever get scraped up and say it's your own fault, well lets just say that there is usually a sexy guy or girl involved. So who is it this time?"

Dimitri remembered the look in Marissa's eyes as she murmured "Dobroy nochi Dimitri". Sighing softly he gave his little brother a slanted smirk. "Her name is Marissa Koshka."


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