6 Snowflakes and Smiles

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Marissa turned away from Isaac and Frost to see Demetri holding her coat in his hands. His eyes were already trained on her in a worried fashion. His brow was furrowed and his lips were in a straight pinched line. Those deep blue eyes watching her unflinchingly. It was intense and she felt her cheeks heat up slowly as she looked down from his watchful gaze to her coat again.

"Are you alright Miss Koshka?" Demetri's voice was soothing to her. Deep and rich. Like a hot chocolate on a cold winter evening. She tugged at her dress to make sure she was completely covered.

"I am fine." Her voice was very nearly completely steady. But the end of fine kind of skipped and she cleared her throat to cover it.

There was a beat of silence and then her coat was held before her open and ready to put back on. "You really are a bad liar."

Marissa looked up frowning at his words. Glaring at him.

His lips slowly tug up into a small smile at her harsh glare. "It's a good quality in a person to be a bad liar. It only means your heart wants you to tell the truth." His words were said with such ease and comfort that she didn't know how to feel about them.

After another silent beat he held her coat up higher. "Here little one. It is cold tonight."

Marissa frowned again and hesitated then reached out and took the coat instead of letting him help her put it on. "Thank you. I can put on my own coat thank you."

He only smiled softly watching her as she slipped her coat on and because she was flustered she buttoned it up crooked causing her more embarrassment infront of this man.

"Damnit." She hissed as she started to unbutton the coat again only for her fingers to brush against warm sure fingers. She gasped and looked up as Demetri started to button her coat the right way his eyes never leaving his work with her buttons until he was finished and his hands left her and slipped into his own coat pockets.

Before she could try to scold him for helping her with her coat he spoke again. "I am sorry for bothering you and following you out here. I don't mean to frighten you. You just left so suddenly that I wanted to make sure you were okay." Demetri's eyes patiently gazed back at her and his closeness was making Marissa feel heat in her cheeks bloom again.

"It was nothing. I just had to go." Marissa pushed the hair out of her face and looked away from his handsomeness again.

"I assure you ,Myshka, there is no reason to lie to me. I only hope it was not because of something I did. I wouldn't want to ruin your first time at the club." He was calling her on her lies again. But why?

Her eyes flick up to his deep blue eyes again then out the window to see the snow starting to fall thicker than before. "It's not you Mr. Verris. And I am not a little mouse."

The smirk and spark in his eye caught her by surprise. "My apologies Zvezda Moya."

Marissa couldn't help but chuckle under her breath at his calling her little star. His voice was even nicer when speaking russian. She fixed the collar of her coat and shook her head.

"Will you allow me to walk you back to your car?" Demetri asked then as he spied the snow getting worse outside. "Or did you get a cab?"

Chewing her lip as she looked out at the snow and knowing she wasn't good at driving in bad weather she shook her head. "I think I will just get a cab tonight... It's really coming down out there."

She didn't even see him take out his phone before she was turned back around and he was calling her a cab. This was very ... she was not used to such ... politeness? Kindness? Protectiveness? Generosity? She had no idea what to even call it.

Marissa just watched as he finished his call and then his eyes were back on her again. "You didn't have to-"

"If I didn't then I would just worry. Not to mention your aunt might try to flay me alive if something were to happen to you." Demetri's dark hair fell into his eyes as he bowed his head slightly and chuckled.

She wanted to reach up and brush it back away from his eyes. Why did he have to be so handsome? Why did he have to be so kind? Why did he have to be kind of funny and challenging?

Her eyes caught sight of Isaac flirting with Frost and she put her hand over her mouth to cover her quiet giggle.

Demetri looked over to see what was going on and his knowing smirk was bright and sharp. "Perhaps we could go down the street to the coffee shop. I am sure it is still open and you could get something to warm you up. And we could leave Isaac to his wooing ways." Demetri opened the door and the cold breeze ruffled his hair and some snowflakes fell into his dark locks.

His laughter was bright and deep and it made her feel warm as they walked out into the snow. The street lamps were casting enough light for it to feel safe to walk down the sidewalk in the swirling snow. "So... are you going to get into trouble for following me out here?" She asked arching a brow and smirking at him.

"Probably. But I can handle it. It's worth it to make sure you were alright. It's hard for people to step into the lifestyle or even just see into it for a night sometimes. It is not for everyone and it is important to the local community at the Playroom to take care and watch over those that visit. I remember my first look into this life. It was a bit jarring, but it helped me find myself after years of searching."

"What do you mean find yourse-ahhh" Marissa was caught up in his words to notice the ice and she slipped. With a little yelp she felt her right foot slip out form under her and she started falling.

Then those warm arms were around her waist again and Demetri was again pulling her against his solid body. He was smiling as he looked down at her and chuckled and softly brushed the hair from her face. "Be careful Myshka..."


Cuteness in the snow... come on people give Marissa and Demetri a shot!

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