8 Options... and Something Interesting...

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Demetri stood in the office and waited. Blithe was behind the desk and looking over a report he had given her of his- slip up tonight.

Blithe looked it over and arched a brow and then reached over and pressed a button on her desk than set the report down. Her eyes slowly watch him over her half rimmed glasses. She did not look pleased.

"What in your right mind told you to pull a stunt like this on my grand re opening Mr. Verris?" She stood slowly and walked around the desk then leaned back slowly and perched herself upon the edge of it as the door to her office opened to show Mike stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. Mike was as stone faced as ever and stood at attention behind him.

"Not only did you pursue a red card visitor outside of my club... who just so happens to be my beloved Niece, but you also touched her. However briefly, or how innocently, you touched her without permission." Blithe pursed her lips and her eyes were alight with quiet cold anger.

Demetri nodded his head and answered in reply. "Yes I did Mistress Koshka." There was no excuse and it was the truth. So what else could he say. It didn't matter that he had no ill intentions or that he was more worried about her than whatever repercussions he might get for his actions.

Blithe tapped her black nails on her desk making soft clicking noises. "You know the rules of my Club Mr. Verris. I run a very tight place here. I don't care how other places are run. Just this one. My place. The rules are simple. You don't touch what isnt yours unless you get expressed permission from that person. We respect others here." Blithe seemed to be getting angrier the more she spoke.

"Not only did you touch a visitor of this club... but you did so to a red card visitor." Her nails stopped there random tapping and she stood slowly to her full hight on her high heeled boots. Making her a good 5'10" as she stared him down. "You understand I can't let this stand. Not even something small like this. It could just get worse and I wont lose control of my own club."

Blithe's eyes flicker from his steady gaze to something behind him... Mike... Then as if there was some kind of signal made by the man behind him Blithe frowned but her eyes softened slightly. Those dark green eyes that look close to Marissa's slide slowly back to his gaze.

Moments tic by as those dark eyes take him in. Demetri didn't want to lose his membership here. It was a very clean and respectable BDSM club and was probably the better clubs in the entire State.

Blithe then blinked and arched a brow. "I will give you a choice." Demetri stood ready and nodded. "You can either be banned from the club for a month and when you return you will have to go through Training again before you aloud on the second and third floors... or You can let Mike take you to go see Malcolm... Then after he takes care of you... you can come back in a week "

Demetri had not expected the options. But he would be lying if he said he liked either one. But one thing flashed through his mind. What if Marissa came back durring the month he was gone... what if she found another Dom? What if...

Maybe he should take the month off... He seemed to damn drawn to the quiet and skittish beauty of Marissa... He should stay away from her... He had already made a mistake because of his urge to protect her...

"I will go see Malcolm then."

He felt a rush of dark and hard emotion rush through him at the thought of putting himself under the ministrations of the New Dungeon Master. But He couldn't seem to stomach not being able to come back to the club this month. Especially if Marissa Koshka was going to be coming back.

Blithe raised both brown and nodded. Then She stepped around him stopping beside him "Michael, please make sure that Mr. Verris finds his way to the dungeon. Oh, and Demetri..." Blithe staired him down with something dark in those deep green depths, a dangerous fire seeming to smolder there. "If you ever touch my Niece without her permission again... I will call Bastian from his and Randy's vacation and ask him for a favor." Her dark lips smiled in a cold way that showed teeth. "Do I make myself clear?"

Demetri knew one thing for certain, had Bastian been present at the club tonight he would have chosen the month away and retraining. Bastian was- had been the House Sadist. The man was one of the more self controlled Dominants he had ever seen. But the few times he had had to punish a Dom in the dungeons... well Demetri was man enough to admit that the man scared him. He had thought the man was an empty and soulless man for the longest time... until Randy had shown up one night looking for a job and somehow miraculously found a way through Bastian's cold amour and made the Dungeon Master and House Sadist turn from the hard cold unfeeling animal he had been for years... to a man that could smile and laugh and touch gently. To a man that gave up his place here his job here just to take care of Randy and help him heal after a horrible incident with some thugs and a mobster.

Demetri nodded slowly and replied evenly. "I will not over step again Mistress Koshka. I assure you."

Blithe looked him up and down and spoke slowly. "See that you don't." Then she stepped past him and he caught sight of her reach out and touch Michael's shoulder and the tall beast of a man bent down giving her his ear instantly. He watched as her lips moved but he couldn't make out what she was telling him as her fingers squeeze softly at the swell of his shoulder.

Then Mike stood straight again and his eyes looked confused as they gazed down at her and she gave him a slow nod and smiled as her thumb rubbed across his shoulder and she let go of him and walked out the door he was opening for her. Demetri suppressed a smile watching the way Mike blinked after her with his hand still gripping the door knob tightly and his jaw clenching.

Well... that is interesting. Demetri thought to himself.

Everyone can bitch and whine all they want... I can do whatever I want because they are my characters and I regret nothing.

also I do not know if there is really a rule in clubs about repremanding Doms like this or not.I am bassically writing this the way I would run my own club if I had one.

*Tips my hat and goes to find some cookies*

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