Twenty Six: Strawberry

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"Both hurt and torn apart, we still found a way to love again."

Juggling what seems like 50 bags in both of my hands, it was only 6 bags

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Juggling what seems like 50 bags in both of my hands, it was only 6 bags. I had went out to go Christmas shopping for everyone, finals and work was kicking my ass lately so I decided to do it earlier.

I swear the GPS said that the cafe would be on this block, walking slowly I examined each store's front to see if I passed it. Most of the stores were decorated festively as the sidewalks were lightly covered with snow. The air smelled so crisp and clean, the only good thing about winter.

If only it would always look so perfect.

I took a few more steps as I spotted a blue neon light sign on the top, they had a fully decorated Christmas tree at the display window with all kinds of ornaments, as well as picture of staff and customers. Using my forearm to push open the door, I heard a bell jingle above my head as the cashier's head shot up.

I saw a smile on the guy's face; he had dark almost black hair that was styled perfectly. His cheeks were rosy; he looked like a doll! He continued smiling as he said.

"Welcome! How are you, what can I get you today?"

I smiled back as I placed my bags on a empty table nearby. Looking around quickly, this place had about one or two customers; most likely college students because they were typing away on their laptops.

I laughed nervously as I said, "Is there anyway you guys can make a hot strawberry chocolate latte?" I have heard on Yelp that sometimes they'd make this, I'm hoping these are one of those times.

He nods as he taps the computer screen, "No problem, anything for you! Is there anything else I can get you?"


I hummed for a second, "Can I have a Nutella banana crepe as well? Extra Nutella please." It smelled amazing in here, the rich chocolate aroma as well as the breads and cakes baking.

He smirked as he chuckled lightly, "Want me to give you the whole bottle? Your total is 14.32."

Sitting down, I took in the atmosphere. It felt super chill and relaxing in here, there were lounge chairs as well as bean bag chairs with round tables. There were booths for bigger parties, there were communal tables that had high chairs.

Hearing the bell jingle, my eyes instinctively shot up as I scrunched my eyebrows. I looked back down on my phone hoping he wouldn't see me, I heard his throat clear as I muttered 'shit'.

"Hey Makayla. What are you doing here?" Carter's brown eyes bore into mine. His lips had already formed a devious smirk as I rolled my eyes.

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