Eight: Sleepless Nights

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"He stared at me like he just seen the most precious jewel in the world."


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I smiled,  feeling his warmth on my skin. His arms were wrapped around me tightly. He kissed my neck softly about a million times, his lips were so soft and warm.
It felt so warm in the room like the noon sun was beaming but it was midnight and it was only him.

I turn around and stared at his green eyes. They looked the same as when we were kids, except now they seemed distant and tired.

I asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

I feel him nuzzle his face more into my neck and murmuring a soft 'yes'
His voice was husky and at that time I couldn't tell but it was strained.

"Yes, I will always be okay because I have you." He hovered over me and kissed me hard on the lips.

I went to kiss him back but it seemed the more I tried the further he went and he was out of my vision.

I was chasing, screaming his name. I cried and cried but he didn't hear me.

His arms were around her, with their child. He planted a kiss on her lips and my vision got dizzy.

Clutching onto my stomach, "Why weren't we good enough for you?" It came out in a helpless whisper.

I spoke up again but this time I screamed, "Why did you have to leave us? Why aren't we good enough?"

This caught the attention of the person in front of me, he turned around but it wasn't him.

This wasn't the person who broke our hearts and almost killed us.

The face slowly changed to Lance as he looked at me with worried eyes. Hearing him question me as I slowly felt myself getting awoken.

Lance's POV

I kept feeling Maika stirring and shifting in bed, she's not awake though. I wonder what dream she's having? I heard her sigh happily and hug me tightly, is she dreaming about us? The thought made me happy, I felt my smile curve upwards.

Minutes passed by and she hasn't moved so I give her a kiss on the lips hoping I wouldn't wake her up.

I sighed loudly, she was so perfect.

"Are you okay?" Maika said in her cute sleepy voice.

When I'm telling you guys my heart stopped for a second. I opened and closed my mouth, questioning myself.

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