Eighteen: Temperament

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"I yearned for affection, not knowing yours was not genuine."

   My eyes start to flutter open like a butterfly when I felt someone shifting positions next to me

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My eyes start to flutter open like a butterfly when I felt someone shifting positions next to me. My eyes widened as I let out a small scream. The person shot up groaning and hovered over me instantly. Eyeing his entire body, he was toned and had a few tattoos here and there. There was one under his chest and on his shoulder, there was also one on his forearm. I traced the tattoos lightly as I felt his skin form goosebumps everywhere I came across.

I watched as his adam's apple moved up and down from taking a deep breath. His hazel eyes looked at me in confusion as his red lips stretched into a big smile.

I covered my face as I muttered in a sleepy voice, "I'm s-sorry! I was just scared I don't remember you sleeping over last night."

My head felt like a bulldozer was ramming it left and right as I brought my hand up and massaged my temples. I groaned in frustration as I turned to my left side, it was still dark out so I'm guessing it was early still.

He laid back down facing me as he still had a big grin on his face, his skin looked so perfect despite the sleepy face he was sporting right now. He looked too good for me, it felt like a dream.

"You drank a lot last night and then you got mad at me because of something Carter said.. then I came here and helped you bathe and we fell asleep."

I raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he was talking about. Only thing I remember is after we all finished eating everyone was drinking. I remember me starting to drink and mix drinks up for everyone until I got carried away.

"We can talk later but it's so early right now." I yawned as my eyes watered. Lance wrapped his arms around me as I turned my head slightly and kissed them.

Just being with him, just him felt so peaceful.

* * * *

"What the hell are you talking about?!! I didn't bring home any girls! I just told you that!" Lance was fuming as he gripped the edge of my vanity table.

"So what the hell were you doing there?!" My eyes were burning from glaring at him so much.

"Look! I told you! One of my friends had trouble and she needed my help! I went to help her and brought her back home and I drove her home the next morning." He groaned in frustration as he kicked the chair.

He ran a hand through his wet wavy hair as a droplet fell onto his grey T-shirt. I felt my chest tighten as I clenched my fists. So she slept over? IN HIS BED?

"So.." I tried to keep my temper under control as i feel my body start to shake. Lance must've noticed because he started to walk towards me letting out a sigh in defeat.

"So are you really here telling me, your friend. Needed help and she slept over at your house in your
bed..." My foot was tapping the floor rapidly as I looked at him coldly.

"And then you drove her back home.." I started to let out a laugh as I was very irritated.

Lance stopped in his tracks, he looked at me like I was crazy because I was laughing.

"So what the fuck did she want? When the hell did you even have time! You were in Maryland!" My eyes shifted to his as I saw him scratching his neck awkwardly.

"L-look baby.." He looked up at me as he could see I was clearly agitated. "I came home from Maryland that night around 1AM and she called me around 3 AM.."

My heart twisted into knots, my eyes started to water. He lied to me, I don't care if this is considered overreacting, but why couldn't he be truthful about it?

"Why did you lie to me?" I was yelling at this point, "Why the hell did you have to lie to me in the first place!" I smacked him hard in the chest as he tried to hold my fists together.

He kissed my head sighing, "I didn't think it was a big deal.."

I pulled out of his grip violently, "I told you, we would be fine if you were honest with me all the time. Did I not? I cannot stand people lying to me! You out of all people!" My face was wet with tears as I tasted the salt from them when it would fell to my swollen lips.

He tried to pull me into his chest as I threw a stuffed animal at him, one after the other. He dodged them, still walking closer to me. My heart was already frozen with the news he told me.

His eyes were weary and I saw them getting glossy, "I didn't sleep in the same bed with her I promise.. I slept in the living room.. she said a guy was bothering her and she didn't feel safe. I got there the guy was already gone and she said she didn't feel safe so I offered."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah okay, she's clearly lying. That sounds like such a sob story."

I saw him tense up as I raised an eyebrow, who does he think he is getting mad at me?

"I don't even know why you're being like that. I told you everything that happened." He spat at me viciously, was he defending her?

Who the fuck was she anyway.

I felt myself starting to breathe harder and harder as I shout at him, "Just get out. Leave me alone. If you're going to defend her just leave me the fuck alone." I shoved him outside my door and locked it.

I didn't hear his footsteps move until after he kicked the staircase railing and shouted incoherent curse words. "I'm calling you later Maika, you better pick up." I heard him shout angrily as he slammed my front door.

I sat on the floor in shock to what happened.

How did this even happen? I'm livid beyond words but I was also sad. We were just smiling at each other in the morning and now we're fighting over some friend of his. I started to curse and kick everything in my way, my room looked like a tornado had hit it.

Why was this happening? We were just fine.

Now I'm starting to think otherwise..

Hi guys! Lord, it hurt me to write this chapter cause they're fighting!! But things will start to get juiiiicy from here! Please vote & comment to let me know you're still reading! Thank you guys for almost 600 reads ❤️

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