Nineteen: Hope

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"Empty bodies with no souls; we're just robots in human skin."

  I wanted to kick myself in the face, if that was possible I would've done that already

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  I wanted to kick myself in the face, if that was possible I would've done that already. I rubbed my eyes in frustration as I scrunched my red nose up.

I tugged on my chunky royal blue sweater, pulling the cowl neck higher. Getting off the bus, I grabbed my bag as I stood up straightening my ripped black jeans. My vans hit the sidewalk as I walked quickly to the main building, I ran a hand through my messy wavy hair. I was about to be late, I literally got ready quickly and ran to the bus stop just as the bus was pulling up.

I had Philosophy right now, I love this class but my mood today is definitely a 'I hate everything and everyone'.

I quickly pressed the elevator button going up, tapping my feet impatiently. It finally came as it felt like forever, I pressed the 3rd floor.

Walking into the classroom, half the students were already here. I sighed in relief, I hated coming late because some people just love to take your seat, even though we had no assigned seats. The girl who sits next to me gave me a smile and complimenting my look today. I nodded and gave her a weak smile, I was so tired. I couldn't sleep for the past two nights, the bags under my eyes must've been designer.

I put my head onto my notebook as I let out a small groan, my head was pounding. I picked it up as I heard the professor walk in.

"Good Afternoon my young philosophers! Drank too much yesterday kids?" He was one of my favorite professors.

He always joked around and I had him last semester, I enjoyed his class so much I decided to take another this semester. I rolled my eyes, as he set everything down and got settled. He clapped his hands loudly gaining everyone's attention as he pulled up a PowerPoint.

"Okay, let's get this class started and you guys can leave as soon as possible!"

Yes please, I need that.

* * * *

I put my notebook into my bag quickly, grabbing my water bottle and make a mad dash for the door. I didn't even bother waiting for the elevator as I just ran down the steps like I was a track star.

I picked up my pace as I felt my legs starting to sting. This happens everyday when I try to speed walk out of here, this school is too big for its own good.

Stepping outside, the wind hit me as I smelled the air. I looked down at my rose gold Apple Watch, 4:00 PM. The sun was already starting to set, I sighed as I started to walk again.

Walking by the school's parking lot, I saw a familiar figure as I muttered a curse and started to literally run away. They soon caught up to me grabbing my wrists and pulling me towards their chest. Fuck, I missed his scent.

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