Twenty Two: Night Sky

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"Fear struck across your face as you heard my words, did you not believe me? Or did you just simply not love me?"

"Fear struck across your face as you heard my words, did you not believe me? Or did you just simply not love me?"

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Stepping outside into the crisp night air, I took a deep breath. I pulled my hands into a lock and raised them over my head as I let out a big stretch.

Standing on your feet for hours constantly moving is definitely hell.

I let out a shaky yawn as my eyes watered, rubbing them lightly. Looking down at my phone, that was bombarded with text messages and notifications from Snapchat and Facebook. Ignoring everything I looked at the date, today marks my first week working here.

It was so fun working here, everyone cares and teaches me things I don't know what to do. The customers aren't annoying, which thank god because I'd definitely lose my job.

I tapped my foot onto the sidewalk repeatedly as I was waiting for Lance to pick me up. It was 3:30 AM, we close around 2:30 but we had to clean and Johnny made us a few drinks.

I see a familiar shiny black Range Rover pull up to my view a few minutes later as I smiled.


I opened the door and stepped into the car as I look at Lance and let out a giggle. "Hey sleepyhead, thank you for always coming to get me."

His hair was a mess, literally.  He had on a pair of black fleece sweatpants that had fur inside, and a black hoodie. He had on some fluffy Neumel uggs, those were my favorite, he looked good.

He yawns as he rubs his weary eyes, "I'm not letting you go home yourself so late!"

His voice was raspy and deeper than usual, which gave away he was sleeping before.

I frowned as I laid my palm onto his warm cheek, "Babe, I don't want you losing sleep. You have school tomorrow! You look exhausted."

He gave me a look that told me to 'shut up I'm picking you up regardless'.

"I was just taking a nap in bed. I rather sleep with you than alone anyway, we can shower when we're home and sleep."

Our bed. I find it so adorable how he sleeps in my room waiting for me to come home. I don't mind because my bed and blanket ends up smelling like him, the smell is intoxicating.

I nodded as I grinned, "You missed me that much?"
He rolls his droopy eyes as he continues driving, passing by the bridge that showed the ocean and the night sky.

So beautiful.

"The sky is beautiful isn't it? It's so refreshing to be out at this time, there's no one around and it's peaceful." Lance's words rolled off his tongue like perfection as I swooned.

He was so right, it sounded like he heard my thoughts. Another good thing about the beautiful night sky before it turned daytime was being with the one I love.

"And yes I miss you that much. Nothing can ever compare, my beautiful." My cheeks start to flush as I curse under my breath.

"Shut up and hurry up! Sweet talk me later I feel gross and I want to cuddle." I let out in a whine as Lance chuckled, his voice still raspy.

"Yes darling! Right away!" He lets out a smirk as he pressed on the gas, speeding away on the empty bridge.

The wind was hitting my face, it felt refreshing. My hair was flying around my head like gravity didn't exist.

"Lance! Be careful!" I let out in a gasp as he continues speeding down the highway, there weren't any cars but still!

"Don't worry princess, I'll save you. We'll be home in no time." He flashes me a grin as I rolled my eyes, he was way too confident for his own good.

?? POV

3:30 AM.

She was late today, by half an hour.

Looking at her, her long wavy hair fell down her back as the streetlights showed that it was blue. Her cheeks were flushed red from the wind as her eyes seemed tired and glossy.


She had on a black coat that reached above her knees, she had on black sweatpants and a tight fitting shirt under her coat.

I breathed heavily as I admired her.

She was looking at her phone as she impatiently tapped her foot against the sidewalk. Waiting for him.

I checked my phone as I saw that it was 3:35. He's on time as always, he was never late. He didn't want his precious love getting hurt.

My blood boiled as I continued to think, she got into the car as she put her seatbelt on and faced him.

Her face was gleaming with excitement and happiness, her beautiful pink lips parting to talk.

I let out a snicker, as I start the engine in my car. I laid my head onto the seat.

She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

I will have her.

He won't be able to do a tiny little thing when I get my hands on her.

I will have her and no one's stopping me.

I hope you guys like that chapter!! Let me know what you think! As always thank you for reading my book!
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