Chapter 24

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Everything was going great until out of the blue Lisa comes up how in the Hell did she know where he was does she have a tracker on him? Hello evryone may I join you? sure the more the merrier, of course she squeezed in on the other side of Micheal. Hi baby (as she kissed him on his cheek) Hi Lisa what brings you hear? Oh I stopped by your office and I seen you had wrote this in your calender so I wanted to surprise you. Oh yeah you did just that. Ok I know everyone at the table but you, hello I'm Kirk ME's friend oh ME's friend you go girl!!!!! Troy and DJ danced, Lisa of course asked Micheal to dance, and a nice older gentlemen asked Granmy to dance. If you could see Micheal's face he was truly checking him out. it was too cute. Granmy was pulling... Kirk and I danced again he begin singing and he too has a beautiful voice, he expressed and said those words that scared me I love you ME, I love you so much, tears flowed how I would have killed to hear those words 6-years ago,  I looked over at Micheal and he was dancing with Lisa who was all over him and holding him tightly she was really grinding all over him,  I looked over again and Lisa was kissing Micheal that messed me up  between Kirk saying those  words and me seeing Micheal and Lisa, after the song I excused myself, i need to go the restroom, sure ME.  Tears flowing ME  Micheal was walking behind me,  wait I heard the voice but I didn't want anyone to see me like this. ME please STOP!!!!!! I' ll be right, I have to go to the ladies room   (Micheal yelled I stopped in my tracks)  He turned me gentlly around what did he do to you? what the hell did he say? Noting Micheal he said noting please you don't understand just leave me alone. No I won't leave it alone you're crying Why? Please go back to the table and leave me alone right now... Kirk came down.. Whats wrong baby? nothing talk to me I'm fine really, just thinking about my parents they would have loved this, look go back I'll be back, I'm ok really. Micheal had went to the bathroom and was waiting  ... ME stop running!!! I don't need anyone in my life but my family and the kids I work with right now.  Why the fuck are you running what are you scared of?  I'm not running!!!! You are, You let No one get close to you, You are awesome when it comes to loving and caring for others but you won't allow anyone outside of your quiant little circle get close to you and heaven forbid love you. Just leave me alone... I went to walk away and he grab me and pulled me close I can't dammit and he kissed me.. I at first tried to pull away but the more I did the deeper the kiss got. I could hear him moan and did I tears were still flowing down my face it felt so good but I was so scared. I fell in love with this man the moment I saw him at our event and that is something that hjas Never happened to me. His manhood grew as he squeezed me just tight enough to let me know he wasnt letting go until he was ready he eventually loosen his grip as he noticed I no longer tried to fight him. Don't please don't !!! I can't do this I just can't. I pulled away please don't follow me. I walked to my car paralyzed from the kiss that embrace and the passion we both showed. God help me.   

Micheal watched me leave he couldnt help but wonder what the hell just happened. What just happened she felt so vulnerable and I wanted to protect her, I wanted to console her, I want to be there for her. What has this woman done to me. I want to be with her I want to be that one... She deserves to be loved.. cherished treated like the Queen she is and I want to be that man to do it. I have finally admitted to myself I have to have Mennettha Ellis I've got to have her.  God Help me. I walked back to the table Kirk had left Troy Granmy and DJ was just starring at me where is ME, she left and she asked me not to follow her. DJ what happened to her why is she so down on herself, why does she feel she can't be loved or should I say  deserve to be loved. She is the most beautiful down to earth hard working independent caring woman I've ever met. I can't believe she thinks so little of herself.  Micheal it's alot you don't know about ME.. She is always the one that gives all of her self to something or someone when she loves she loves uncondtionally and whole heartly she's noting like me. But in loving so hard she's been hurt badly it's not my place to tell you all that's happen to my sister but just know she isnt being hard she afraid. No she terrified of loving anyone again. DJ I understand I'll stay away I don't want to hurt her and I see that's she's afraid. Look I have to get my grandmother home you both have a great night. Micheal would you like me to meet you at the house. No Lisa goodnight.  

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now