Chapter 7

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 I was so glad today was Saturday I hadn't been out in so long I didn't know how to act the mind was saying yes but my body was saying HELL NAW!!!! I usually get up around 7am even on Saturday but when the alarm went off I rolled over  and hit the snooze button several times over and over again. Finally I got my butt up hollered for DJ but she had already left she goes to a aerobics twerk class on Saturday I had no plans but to clean my house. I got up, got dressed call my son and my son-in-law they were about to go shopping they are in the process of adopting and they have been through so much red-tape but this time it looks very optimistic. My son expressed that they are also looking into a surrogate. I also told him my news about meeting the yearly pledge and sent the pix that DJ took to them on that new found look I  had last night. My son gave me all kinds of praise. He knows how self conscious I am. He gave me his weekly pep talk and I do take it to heart. He's an amazing son and I'm so glad his confidence level is off the chain I think my son is gorgeous now of course that's mama talking.

After talking to my son back to my date with the broom, the phone ranged hello may I speak to Ms. Ellis this is she hello this is Micheal, Micheal? Micheal Higgins I froze for a brief moment I had to get it together why was he calling me but I immediately gained my composer, Hello Mr. Higgins,  I mean Micheal how can I help you (now I'm wondering how he got my home number) I hope you don't mind me calling you after hours and on a Saturday but I'm at work and was checking my calendar and was wondering if Wednesday at 9 am would be  a good time for us to sit down and meet about the sponsorship? Please give me a moment while I get my calendar. *(for whatever reason I felt a little disappointed  that this was a business call but who was I fooling this could be noting but a business call).   Yes I'm free Wednesday at 9 great so I'll go ahead and confirm it with my secretary great I'll call Troy and let him know great. (Damm Troy... how can I get her alone just to talk to her and see what she's about when I look into her eyes I see so much more than I've seen in a woman in a long time). Ahh Ms. Ellis, ME what are you doing today around noon noting would you like to have lunch with me so we can begin this process I would like to have the basics down to pitch to my father before Wednesday's meeting. Sure I can be ready where would you like to meet. I tell you what why don't I pick you up I am messing up your Saturday by asking you to work so I could at least try to be a gentlemen about it.  (My stomach was doing flips.) You don't have too pick me up I don't mind meeting you know I insist ok my address is 1909 Taylor Ave, ok where would you like to go hey a burger and fries is fine with me I love Krystal's or Burger King cool see you around 12 great goodbye. 

Man a woman that will eat Krystal's and Burger King she didn't ask to go Henrietta Red or Palm expensive ass restaurants here in Nashville, that was impressive but it also let me know she definitely didn't see this as any kind of date.  I immediately called my confidant  DJ please please answer hey  I need you to come home now please. What's wrong ahh Mr. Higgins just called he wants to go to lunch just to discuss the sponsorship I'm freakin out and I don't know why I know this isn't a date but I need some help in what to wear. Me really this is a date and I'm on my way. A date I know it couldn't be. I needed to get all my facts ready my yearly budget reports my staff salary and expenditures the 2017 grants received.    Then I thought should I go ahead and call Troy (I don't know why I was contemplating)  but I did anyway, a voice answered hello and it wasn't Troy hi is Troy available this is his business partner Mennettha sure hold on Troy she yelled Men-- ah your business partner is on the phone.. I heard him say Damm ahhh hey ME what's up Noting just wanted to let you know I'm  having lunch with Mr. Higgins at noon and we are going to discuss potential sponsorship ok what you need me there no ah we're going to meet and we have the final meeting on Wednesday when we meet with his father at 9am. Sooooo you're meeting with him by yourself. Yesssss and this is a business meeting/date, really Troy no it's a business meeting and possibly the blessing we've been praying for.  Look I'll call you when I get back to update go back top your friend didn't mean to interrupt noting no you didn't we were done (I mean shit that didn't sound right) why was I worried about what ME thought about a girl being at my house hell I'm grown and single but it did matter Damm.    

I hung up the phone from Troy feeling a little irritated that he was being a man whore. I know in spite of his personal endeavors Troy is committed  to these kids and families and the work that we all do, and I  wouldn't allow this to disrupt this opportunity we are embarking on. I have to bring my A-Game to the table.  Waiting for DJ to come and help me dress for this meeting (what why am I asking DJ to help me dress this is not a date) I got all the necessary paperwork needed to make a good impression and to hope fully answer any questions that Mr. Higgins may ask. Since it was Saturday I wanted to look causal, and professional. I just purchased these new jeans and I love the fit yes I'm hippy and very curvy it's not everyday I wear some fitted jeans. I had this nice royal blue blouse with some flats and silver hoop earrings and my sling bag. Of course I sprayed on my Light Blue. I placed my hair in a puff with some twister bangs.  I was ready but also nervous. DJ came in to aspect, cute girl love the jeans and that ass says POW!!! shut up DJ, you know I'm jealous of your ass hell it missed me in the line, you can have it good cut it off people pay top dollars for your butt.  How do I look DJ I have to look nice, causal but about my business as well. Look don't just be all business ME, ahhhh this is a impromptu business meeting duh... Maybe but I think he planned this did you see how he was looking at you last night. He wasn't looking at me he had his girl besides Troy was acting contrary and could not keep his eyes off you  . Sis you are beautiful inside and out when are you going to recognize your true beauty  I am who I am you know that. I just think you need to be open to the possibility of good looking rich men can be sprung on you. You just want see it acknowledge it and give them a chance.  (Door bell rang) Ahhh it's him please I need to go do a quick check please get the door. Calm down ME remember this isn't a date it's a business meeting,.....  I got you. 

I went into my room where I have a full length mirror. I looked at my self (time for self talk) ME you got this!! stay focused this is for your kids and families.  DJ opened the door hello a deep sexy voice greeted is this Mennettha Ellis's residence, yes come in. ME is on her way please have a seat. Thank you. I'm Micheal Higgins Oh hi I'm DJ ME's sister very nice meeting you again I remember seeing you last night. Nice seeing you as well. So ME tells me your company might sponsor her organization. Well we are going to discuss that today. I think what her organization does is remarkable.. and it's rare that I find people who truly believe in the what they work for . Mr. Higgins Micheal please my sister loves those kids and families I've watched her spend countless nights in court, jail houses, M-Team meetings S-Team meetings CFTM's at the homes of these families doing whatever she can to show that she truly believes in them... and I must say it has paid off for her in more ways than one. Those kids truly love and respect her. It seems like you're pretty proud of her too. I sure am. (ME walks in).

Hello Mr. Higgins ,Micheal looked as she walked in his mind saying to himself damm she's fine as hell!!!!! Micheal ME remember, I'm sorry Micheal are you ready to go. Sure... DJ it was very nice seeing and talking to you again, likewise enjoy yourself. I looked at DJ and she just smiled. So as we went to the garage we walked in silence. Micheal asked so again where would you like to go for lunch,Burger King is fine with me if you don't mind. Burger King huh I haven't had BK in I don't know how long... You don't know what you've been missing I chuckled (I love her laugh, her smile her eyes although she wears glasses and I've never seen her without them). I would love to get to know her... You remember hold the pickle hold the lettuce special orders don't upset us I begin laughing again and he did too damm you remember that jingle I was a jingle professional thank you very much Really!!! Really!!! I heard the alarm button being pushed on a red drop top A-Class Cabriolet.. I did not want to appear country but I hadn't ever rode in a car this beautiful before.Micheal opened the door for me (now I just hoped I fit hell these are small cars I felt bigger than the car) Thank you, you're welcome. Micheal got in put on his GPS and said find me the closest Burger King and off we went....

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now